

来源:网考网MBA 所有评论

【分析解答题】 Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:
About 16 million people in ale United States have lost some of their hearing. About two million others are extremely or completely deaf. They cannot hear speech or most other sounds in their everyday life, even with a hearing aid to make sounds louder.
There are several kinds of hearing loss. The first kind results from disease or injury to the outer or middlepart of the ear. The damage prevents sound waves from reaching the inner ear. Usually, this form of hearing loss is not extreme. And a hearing aid or medical treatment call often restore hearing. A second kind of hearing loss involves the nerves. It is caused by damage to the inner ear. A loud noise or disease may destroy some of the tiny nerve cells that carry sound. People suffering this kind of damage may lose the ability to hear some sounds, high or low. The third kind of deafness is called a central hearing loss. It is caused by damage to the hearing nerves leading to the brain or in the brain itself.
Deafness is the most common bodily disability in America. Often nothing can be done to stop it. But manycases can be prevented. One simple thing is responsible for most hearing loss. That one thing is noise. Telephone bells, loud music, machines. In industrial countries, especially, these things make the world very noisy. Studies have shown that old men in quiet African villages have much better hearing than young people in America. Other sources of deafness include accidents, drugs and illnesses.
( ) 11. What kind of hearing loss mentioned in the passage is the most serious?
A. The first kind. B. The second kind. C. The third kind. D. None.
( )12. Hearing loss caused by damage to can often be restored.
A. the outer ear B. the inner ear C. the nerves D. the brain
( )13. Which of the following is NOT a source of deafness?
A. loud music B. bodily disability C. accidents D. some drugs
( )14. It can be inferred from the passage that .
A. developed countries are more noisy
B. nothing can be done to prevent loss of hearing
C. old people suffer less from hearing loss
D. 16 million Americans have lost their hearing
( )15. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Deafness is very common in America
B. Hearing nerves are most important to one‘s hearing.
C. There are different causes to hearing loss.
D. Hearing aids can help deaf people hear clearly.


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