解析:TheAfricans’ interest is to guard p

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【单选题】TheAfricans’ interest is to guard preferential export rules enshrined in the temporaryAfrican Growth and OpportunityAct, passed byCongress in 2,000. Tariff-free exports of some 6,000 goods fromAfrica to the United States are boosting trade and investment in southernAfric
A、Lesotho’s fast-growing textile industry depends almost entirely onChinese investment in factories to make clothes for sale in the United States. The region also wants more access toAmerica’s markets for fruit, beef and other agricultural goods.
American interest lies mainly in SouthAfrica, by far the largest economy in the region. Services account for 60% of its GDP, and it increasingly dominates the rest ofAfrica in banking, information technology, telecom, retail’ and other areas. Just asBritish banks, such asBarclays, have moved theirAfrican headquarters to SouthAfrica over the past year,American investors see the country as a platform to the rest of the continent.
Agreeing investment rules and resolving differences on intellectual property rights are the most urgent issues.American drug firms want to be part of the fast expansion in SouthAfrica of production of anti-retroviral drugs, used againstAIDS.By 2007 SouthAfrica alone expects 1.2m patients to take the drugs daily. The country might be the world’s biggest exporter of anti-AIDS drugs within a few years. Striking a bilateral deal now should makeAmerican investments easier.
But Mr. Zoellick’s greater concern is for multilateral trade talks that stalled inCancun, Mexico, in September.AlecErwin, his SouthAfrican counterpart, helped to organize the G20 group of poor and middle-income countries that opposed jointAmerican-EU proposals there; he is widely tipped to take over as head of the World Trade Organization late next year, and would be a useful ally.
So Mr. Zoellick is trying to charm hisAfrican partner by agreeing to drop support for most of a group of issues (known as "Singapore" issues) that jammed up the talks atCancun, and were opposed by poor countries; he says he also favors abolishing export subsidies inAmerica--though only if Japan and theEU agree to do the same. That would pleaseAfrican exporters who say such subsidies destroy markets for their goods.
Mr. Zoellick’s efforts to make more friends may be paying off.Even thoughAmerica has treatedAfrica very shabbily on trade in the past, Mr.Erwin hints it is easier doing business withAmerica than withEurope or Japan.
A、small sign, but perhaps a telling one.
It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ______.

A、6,000 goods fromAfrica are tariff-free toAmerican countries
B、preferential export rules are interesting to southernAfricans
C、most clothes found in the U.S. are actually made byChinese
D、Lesotho is willing to export more agricultural goods to the U.S.

这是一道推论题。题干中的信号词为the first paragraph,也就是文章的第一段。文章第一段指出:从非洲出口到美国的大约6000种免税商品促进了在南部非洲的贸易发展和投资增长;莱索托地区快速增长的纺织业几乎完全依赖中国人对工厂的投资;该地区也希望获得更多的准入,使其水果、牛肉和其他农产品进入美国市场。由此可知,D“莱索托愿意出口更多的农产品到美国”,与文章的意思符合。A是文中明确说明的,所以不对;文中没有提到B;C与第一段第三句话的意思不符合。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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