
1题:The invention of both labor-saving tools and tools of intelligence is rarely accidental. Instead, it is usually the product of human need; (21) is truly the mother of invention. People usually devise tools to (22) for natural deficiencies. For example, people invented weapons to defend (23) from physically superior (24) .But (25) is only one incentive for inventions. People also invent (26) tools to (27) certain established tasks more efficiently. For instance, people developed the bow and arrow from the (28) spear or javelin in order to shoot (29) and strike with greater strength.
(30) civilizations developed, greater work efficiency came to be demanded, and (31) tools became more (32) .A、tool would (33) a function until it proved (34) in meeting human needs, at which point an improvement would be made. One impetus for invention has always been the (35) for speed and high-quality results--provided they are achieved (36) reasonable costs. Stone pebbles were sufficient to account for small quantities of possessions, (37) they were not efficient enough for performing sophisticated mathematics. However, beads arranged systematically evolved into the abacus. The (38) of this tool can be (39) to the development of commerce in theEast around 3000B、C、, and the abacus is known (40) by the ancientBabylonians,Egyptians,Chinese, etC、

2题:The invention of both labor-saving tools and tools of intelligence is rarely accidental. Instead, it is usually the product of human need; (21) is truly the mother of invention. People usually devise tools to (22) for natural deficiencies. For example, people invented weapons to defend (23) from physically superior (24) .But (25) is only one incentive for inventions. People also invent (26) tools to (27) certain established tasks more efficiently. For instance, people developed the bow and arrow from the (28) spear or javelin in order to shoot (29) and strike with greater strength.
(30) civilizations developed, greater work efficiency came to be demanded, and (31) tools became more (32) .A、tool would (33) a function until it proved (34) in meeting human needs, at which point an improvement would be made. One impetus for invention has always been the (35) for speed and high-quality results--provided they are achieved (36) reasonable costs. Stone pebbles were sufficient to account for small quantities of possessions, (37) they were not efficient enough for performing sophisticated mathematics. However, beads arranged systematically evolved into the abacus. The (38) of this tool can be (39) to the development of commerce in theEast around 3000B、C、, and the abacus is known (40) by the ancientBabylonians,Egyptians,Chinese, etC、
A、entertainmentB、luxuryC、survival D、adaptation

3题:The invention of both labor-saving tools and tools of intelligence is rarely accidental. Instead, it is usually the product of human need; (21) is truly the mother of invention. People usually devise tools to (22) for natural deficiencies. For example, people invented weapons to defend (23) from physically superior (24) .But (25) is only one incentive for inventions. People also invent (26) tools to (27) certain established tasks more efficiently. For instance, people developed the bow and arrow from the (28) spear or javelin in order to shoot (29) and strike with greater strength.
(30) civilizations developed, greater work efficiency came to be demanded, and (31) tools became more (32) .A、tool would (33) a function until it proved (34) in meeting human needs, at which point an improvement would be made. One impetus for invention has always been the (35) for speed and high-quality results--provided they are achieved (36) reasonable costs. Stone pebbles were sufficient to account for small quantities of possessions, (37) they were not efficient enough for performing sophisticated mathematics. However, beads arranged systematically evolved into the abacus. The (38) of this tool can be (39) to the development of commerce in theEast around 3000B、C、, and the abacus is known (40) by the ancientBabylonians,Egyptians,Chinese, etC、
A、ordinaryB、commonC、particular D、valuable


5题:的值为( ).


6题: 某项工程,甲单独做需要a天,在甲做了c天之后,剩下的工作由乙单独完成还需要b天,若一开始就由甲乙两人合作,则完成任务需要的天数是( ).


7题:The invention of both labor-saving tools and tools of intelligence is rarely accidental. Instead, it is usually the product of human need; (21) is truly the mother of invention. People usually devise tools to (22) for natural deficiencies. For example, people invented weapons to defend (23) from physically superior (24) .But (25) is only one incentive for inventions. People also invent (26) tools to (27) certain established tasks more efficiently. For instance, people developed the bow and arrow from the (28) spear or javelin in order to shoot (29) and strike with greater strength.
(30) civilizations developed, greater work efficiency came to be demanded, and (31) tools became more (32) .A、tool would (33) a function until it proved (34) in meeting human needs, at which point an improvement would be made. One impetus for invention has always been the (35) for speed and high-quality results--provided they are achieved (36) reasonable costs. Stone pebbles were sufficient to account for small quantities of possessions, (37) they were not efficient enough for performing sophisticated mathematics. However, beads arranged systematically evolved into the abacus. The (38) of this tool can be (39) to the development of commerce in theEast around 3000B、C、, and the abacus is known (40) by the ancientBabylonians,Egyptians,Chinese, etC、
A、but B、andC、whileD、thus

8题:Selection to participate in a top executive-education program is an important rung on the ladder to top corporate jobs. U. S. corporations (1) billions of dollars in this form of management development -- and use it to (2) and train fast-track managers. Yet one (3) of executive education found that less than 5% of the managers (4) to these high-profile programs are women -- and minorities are terribly (5) as well.
The numbers are (6) . In regular business (7) usually paid for by the participant, not an employer -- there are plenty of women and minorities. Women, for example, (8) for about 30% of MBA、candidates. Yet in the (9) programs paid for by corporations that round out a manager’s credentials at a (10) career point, usually at age 40 or 45, companies are making only a (11) investment in developing female and minority executives.A、case (12) point: Only about 30% of the 180 executives in Stanford’s recent (13) management program were women.
Most companies say these days they are (14) hiring and promoting women and minorities-- and there are some (15) trends in overall employment and pay levels so why are companies (16) the ball when it (17) executive education The schools (18) that they are neither the cause of nor the cure for the problem.A、HarvardBusiness School dean figures that companies are (19) of sending their female executives (20) they don’t want to lose them to competitors.
[A] privileged [B] prestigious[C] preferable [D] professional

9题:Passage 5
What our society suffers from most today is the absence of consensus about what it and life in it ought to be, such consensus cannot be gained from society’s present stage, or from fantasies about what it ought to be. For that the present is too close and too diversified, and the future too uncertain, to make believable claims about it.A、consensus in the present hence can be achieved only through a shared understanding of the past, as Homer’s epics informed those who lived centuries later what it meant to be Greek, and by what images and ideals they were to live their lives and organize their societies.
Most societies derive consensus from a long history, a language all their own, a common religion, common ancestry. The myths by which they live are based on all of these.But the United States is a country of immigrants, coming from a great variety of nations. Lately, it has been emphasized that an asocial, narcissistic personality has become characteristic ofAmericans, and that it is this type of personality that makes for the lack of well-being, because it prevents us from achieving consensus that would counteract a tendency to withdraw into private worlds. In this study of narcissism,Christopher Lash says that modern man, "tortured by self-consciousness, turns to new therapies not to free himself of his personal worries but to find meaning and purpose in life, to find something to live for". There is widespread distress because national morale has declined, and we have lost an earlier sense of national vision and purpose.
Contrary to rigid religions or political beliefs, as are found in totalitarian societies, our culture is one of the great individual differences, at least in principle and in theory; but this leads to disunity, even chaos.Americans believe in the value of diversity, but just because our is a society based on individual diversity, it needs consensus about some dominating ideas more than societies based on uniform origin of their citizens. Hence, if we are to have consensus, it must be based on a myth--a vision about a common experience, a conquest that made usAmericans, as the myth about the conquest of Troy formed the Greeks. Only a common myth can offer relief from the fear that life is without meaning or purpose. Myths permit us to examine our place in the world by comparing it to a shared ideA、Myths are shared fantasies that form the tie that binds the individual to other members of his group. Such myths help to ward off feelings of isolations, guilt, anxiety, and purposelessness--in short, they combat isolation and the breakdown of social standards and values.
Homer’s epics mentioned in Paragraph I exemplify the fact that
A、the present is varying too fast to be caught up easily.
B、the future may be so indefinite as to be unpredictable.

C、the past can help to shape a consensus in the present.
D、the past determines social moralities for later generations.

10题:When theAmerican economy was running full tilt two years ago, few places were as breathlessly delighted as Seattle. Its port was thronged with ships bringing goods fromAsi
A、TheBoeingCompany could barely keep up with demand for its airliners. Microsoft was hiring hordes of software engineers.After each rain shower, another Internet millionaire sprang up. Here was a city that had it all--OldEconomy, NewEconomy, Not-Yet-InventedEconomy.
Now it has all gone sour. The past 12 months have been a non-stop succession of disappointments.Boeing’s headquarters decamped toChicago. The Internet economy popped alike a balloon in a nail factory, taking with it once promising local ventures such as and leaving can’t-possibly-miss companies such as barely hanging on.And an already troubledBoeing was hit even harder after September 11th both by a steep drop in airliner orders and by losing a $ 200 billion Joint Strike Fighter contract to Lockheed Martin.
Washington State, battered by what is happening in Seattle, now has the highest unemployment rate in the United States--6.6% compared with 5.4% in the country as a whole. Right behind it is next-door Oregon, another former boom state, with 6.5% of its workforce out of a job, the country’s second worst figure. In Oregon, manufacturing’s collapse has caused the loss of nearly 30,000 jobs in a year, those hit range from Freightliner, a maker of heavy lorries, to high-tech companies such as Intel and Fujitsu.
What makes the current plunge so painful is that every part of the economy seems to have stepped into an open manhole at the same time. Three years ago, whenBoeing began to remove more than 20,000 people thatBoeing expects to lay off by the middle of 2002 have to compete with unemployed workers not just from the high-tech industry but from construction work and even the retail sector. Portland now has more jobless than the other parts of Oregon: the opposite of how things were years ago.
Even worse, the Pacific north west’s downturn, as well as being deeper than the rest of the country, may also last longer. One reason for fearing this isBoeing’s continuing woes. NowadaysBoeing accounts for less than 5% of employment in the Seattle area, down from 9% two decades ago.But it remains the foundation on which the rest is built. Its network of suppliers and subcontractors gives it a far stronger multiplier effect than, say, Microsoft, which is more an island of prosperity than a center of weB、The chances are thatBoeing will not really bounce back until the assumed revival in air travel persuades airline companies to start buying plenty of aircraft again.And that may not be until 2003.
We can learn from the last paragraph that ______.

A、Microsoft has a strong multiplier effect on the economy
B、Boeing is crucial for the survival of other companies

C、Seattle area’s employment rate has fallen considerably
D、the economic foundation of Seattle isBoeing’s continuing prosperity




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