解析:Text 1 It’s hard to say for sure

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Text 1
It’s hard to say for sure what the next big thing will be, but these items made the list of 10 emerging technology trends that will change the world, according to the January issue of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Magazine Technology Review.
"We were looking for things that were just emerging now and over the next five years would begin to have a major impact",David Rotman, the magazine’s deputy editor, said Thursday.
Some of the items have been on the verge of widespread use for quite some time, such as biometrics and speech recognition. Others chosen by the MIT magazine editors are topics that most people have never heard of, such as microphotonics and microfluidics.
The magazine focused on developments in three areas: information technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology.
One significant area in biotechnology, the magazine highlights, is work on brain-machine interfaces that could someday allow people to control artificial devices that replace lost functions. Today, research is more limited, with scientists able to take signals from individual neurons in an animal’s brain and send them to a robot that can turn the signals into motion.But the potential is huge, according toDuke University neurobiologist Miguel Nicolelis.
"Imagine if someone could do for the brain what the pacemaker did for the heart." Nicolelis told the MIT journal.
In the purely digital realm, the magazine suggests that the field of robotics could be poised to move beyond the restricted market of Performing simple, highly repetitive tasks.
"Robot builders make a convincing case that in 2001, robots are where personal computers were in 1980", writes Technology Review senior editorDavid Talbot, "poised to break into the marketplace as common corporate tools and routine consumer products performing life’s tedious chores."
Until now the problem has been that robots have been costly and difficult to design. One approach that the magazine highlights is the work ofBrandeis University researcher Jordan Pollack, who builds robots that can build other robots.
The central topic of this magazine article is______.
A、the potential uses of microfluidics and microphotonics
B、the possible exploration of information technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology
C、the research of some quite promising technologies, such as biometrics and speech recognition
D、database-mining technologies

本题属归纳题型。答案选项[B]的含义是:本文的主要论题是信息技术、纳米技术和生物技术的可能性开发应用。本答案见原文第四段。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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