解析:We will adhere to the strategy of e

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【分析解答题】We will adhere to the strategy of expanding domestic consumption and focus on increasing consumption demand and strengthening the role of consumption in fueling economic development. First, we will strive to raise urban and rural incomes. We need to adjust the distribution of incomes, standardize the way income is distributed, and increase the income of people in the lower and middle income brackets. To increase rural incomes, we will continue to pursue the policy of giving more, taking less and loosening control. In particular, we need to adopt more measures to give more benefits to farmers.All local governments should make necessary adjustments to the minimum salary system and implement it strictly, and introduce a minimum hourly wage system. We need to gradually solve the problem of low wages for rural migrant workers in cities. We must establish laws and mechanisms for ensuring that wages are paid on time. We will conscientiously implement the revised Individual Income Tax Law and lower the tax burden on low—and middle—income people. This year, the government will appropriately raise basic pension benefits for retired enterprise employees, subsidies for entitled groups and subsistence allowances for urban residents.

试题答案:坚持扩大内需的战略方针,重点是扩大消费需求,增强消费对经济发展的拉动作用。一是努力增加城乡居民收入。要调整收入分配关系,规范收人分配秩序,增加中低收入者的收入。坚持“多予少取放活”,特别要在“多予”上采取更多措施,增加农民收入。各地都要合理调整和严格执行最低工资制度,制定和推行最低小时工资标准。逐步解决农民工工资偏低的问题。建立并完善防止工资拖欠的法规和机制。认真实施修改后的个人所得税法,减轻中低收入者的税负。今年国家将适当提高企业离退休人员基本养老金标准、优抚对象抚恤补助标准、城市居民最低生活保障补助标准。 答案解析:暂无解析 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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