解析:Passage Four Letting it out may b

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Passage Four
Letting it out may be bad for your emotional health. Many people assume that sharing feelings openly and often is a positive ideal that promotes mental health.But some social critics and psychologists now conclude that repressing one’s feelings may do more good than venting emotions.
"A、small number of researchers are taking an empirical look at the general assumption that speaking out and declaring one’s feelings is better than holding them in," writesChristina Sommers, a resident fellow at theAmericanEnterprise Institute.
At Suffilk University, psychologist JaneBybee classified high-school students on the basis of their self-awareness: "sensitizers" were extremely aware of their internal states, "repressors" focused little on themselves, and "intermediates" occupied the middle range.Bybee then collected Student evaluations of themselves and each other, along with teacher evaluations of the students. On the whole, the repressors were more socially and academically successful than their more "sensitized" classmates.Bybee speculated that repressed people, not emoters, may have a better balance of moods.
In a study atCatholic University in Washington,D、C、, researcher GeorgeBonanno tested the assumption that, in order to recover mental health, people need to vent negative emotions by discussing their feelings openly.Bonanno and other researchers found that, among adolescent girls who had suffered sexual abuse, those who "showed emotional avoidance" were healthier than those who more openly expressed grief or anger.
One study of Holocaust survivors supportsBonanno in suggesting that verbalizing strong emotions may not improve a person’s mental health. Researchers found that Holocaust survivors who were encouraged to talk about their experiences in the war fared worse than repressors. They concluded that repression was not pathological response to Holocaust experience and that "talking through" the atrocities failed to being closure to the survivors.
Sommers note that in many societies it has been considered normal to repress private feelings, and that "in most cultures stoicism and reticence are valued, while the free expression of emotions is deemed a personal shortcoming." She is concerned that pushing someone to be "sensitizers" may also create a preoccupation with self that excludes outside interests. Sommers is particularly critical of educational approaches that attempt to encourage self-discovery and self-esteem through excessive "openness".
Healthy stoicism should not be confused with the emotional numbness that may be brought on by post-traumatic stress disorder. Most people experiencing such traumas as war, assault, or natural disaster can benefit from immediate counseling, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
The word "vent" (Paragraph 1) most probably means ______.A.hide
D.let out


这是一道词义题。题干中的信号词出自于文章第一段第三句话中。文章第一段指出:表露情感可能有害于你的身心健康;许多人认为,公开、经常表露自己的情感是改善心理健康的有效的理想行为;但是,专家得出结论说,压抑自己的情感可能比发泄自己的情感对人的身心健康有好处。这说明,该词的意思应该是“发泄”。D“发泄”,与文章的意思相符。A和B与文章的意思相反;C不准确。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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