解析:Text 3 The way to keep love alive

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Text 3
The way to keep love alive in a committed relationship is to replace the excitement of insecurity and longing with the more profound thrill of a journey of discovery.As life unfolds, you and your partner change and grow in different ways.Be aware of your own development, and stay in tune with your partner’s thoughts and emotions. Talk about the way you see yourselves and each other, and plumb your deepest fears and longings. Get close: ask and tell. Take the risk of discovering less than comfortable feelings in your quest for knowledge. So many couples jog along in predictable and companionable routines because it is too difficult—or frightening—to explore the depths of their personalities. They picture themselves as contentedly "side by side". This is a perfectly adequate arrangement for offering comfort and support, but it ignores intimacy, the whole world of riches that commitment has to offer.
Emotional intimacy requires active engagement and cannot be achieved by partners who run on parallel lines. True knowledge of your partner—partly through developing intuition and awareness, partly through asking and telling—is the most exciting and fulfilling of the riches that committed love has to offer. To truly know someone is to penetrate his or her personality, to accept what you find there, good and not so good, and to love that person. To allow someone to penetrate your own personality is to be open and vulnerable to them, to trust them with the parts of yourself you find difficult to fathom and to give yourself in love. This two-way process is renewed every time your conversation with your partner breaks new grounD、
NovelistAlice Walker once said that although we think we fall in love because of sexual attraction, what we are really looking for is someone who is "able to hear us".And there is a true story of a man who sat for a woman painter.Day after day she studied him intently, transferring what she learned about him through her eyes to the canvas. The man was deeply moved by being looked at so minutely, so searching, and when he saw the portrait he was amazed by the perceptiveness of her interpretation of his character.During the sittings he had fallen in love with the painter, and now, overwhelmed, he took her in his arms.
These show that the key ingredient in deep erotic love is knowledge achieved by listening and looking, by paying close attention. This kind of knowledge is an ongoing process with active participation and deepens with the years. The couple who interact, who pay attention, who really listen and really look at one another, kindle deep erotic love through layer upon layer of creative understanding and acceptance.
According to the author, emotional intimacy can only be achieved by______.A.running on parallel lines

B、breaking new grounds
C.talking about something interesting
D.trying actively to know each other truly


细节推理题。第二段解释如何才能获得emotional intimacy。第一句说“情感的亲密无间需要双方积极主动地去培植,而跑在两条平行线上的伴侣是难以达到的”,这里的“积极主动地培植”在下文中解释为积极主动地相互交流沟通,深入彼此的个性,做到真正的互相了解和接受;选项[D]“通过真正的相互了解”,符合以上的逻辑和思路,故正确答案为[D];选项[A]在本段第一句中加以否定;选项[B]和[C]都只是原文的一些细节,以偏概全。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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