
1题:某校今年的毕业生中,本科生和硕士生人数之比为5:2,据5月份统计,本科生有70%、硕士生有90%已经落实了工作单位,此时,尚未落实工作单位的本科生和硕士生人数之比是( ).

2题:When theAmerican economy was running full tilt two years ago, few places were as breathlessly delighted as Seattle. Its port was thronged with ships bringing goods fromAsi
A、TheBoeingCompany could barely keep up with demand for its airliners. Microsoft was hiring hordes of software engineers.After each rain shower, another Internet millionaire sprang up. Here was a city that had it all--OldEconomy, NewEconomy, Not-Yet-InventedEconomy.
Now it has all gone sour. The past 12 months have been a non-stop succession of disappointments.Boeing’s headquarters decamped toChicago. The Internet economy popped alike a balloon in a nail factory, taking with it once promising local ventures such as and leaving can’t-possibly-miss companies such as barely hanging on.And an already troubledBoeing was hit even harder after September 11th both by a steep drop in airliner orders and by losing a $ 200 billion Joint Strike Fighter contract to Lockheed Martin.
Washington State, battered by what is happening in Seattle, now has the highest unemployment rate in the United States--6.6% compared with 5.4% in the country as a whole. Right behind it is next-door Oregon, another former boom state, with 6.5% of its workforce out of a job, the country’s second worst figure. In Oregon, manufacturing’s collapse has caused the loss of nearly 30,000 jobs in a year, those hit range from Freightliner, a maker of heavy lorries, to high-tech companies such as Intel and Fujitsu.
What makes the current plunge so painful is that every part of the economy seems to have stepped into an open manhole at the same time. Three years ago, whenBoeing began to remove more than 20,000 people thatBoeing expects to lay off by the middle of 2002 have to compete with unemployed workers not just from the high-tech industry but from construction work and even the retail sector. Portland now has more jobless than the other parts of Oregon: the opposite of how things were years ago.
Even worse, the Pacific north west’s downturn, as well as being deeper than the rest of the country, may also last longer. One reason for fearing this isBoeing’s continuing woes. NowadaysBoeing accounts for less than 5% of employment in the Seattle area, down from 9% two decades ago.But it remains the foundation on which the rest is built. Its network of suppliers and subcontractors gives it a far stronger multiplier effect than, say, Microsoft, which is more an island of prosperity than a center of weB、The chances are thatBoeing will not really bounce back until the assumed revival in air travel persuades airline companies to start buying plenty of aircraft again.And that may not be until 2003.
What can be inferred in the passage concerningBoeing

A、Its headquarter has been moved fromChicago to Seattle.
B、It’s to be blamed for the economic depression in Washington.

C、Boeing itself is having a hard time.
D、It’s expected to have a revival in the year 2003.

3题: 商务谈判准备得越周全、越充分,谈判场上掌握主动的机会越多,谈判能否成功的可靠保证是:( )。


5题: 已知随机变量X的密度的函数是:

6题:The invention of both labor-saving tools and tools of intelligence is rarely accidental. Instead, it is usually the product of human need; (21) is truly the mother of invention. People usually devise tools to (22) for natural deficiencies. For example, people invented weapons to defend (23) from physically superior (24) .But (25) is only one incentive for inventions. People also invent (26) tools to (27) certain established tasks more efficiently. For instance, people developed the bow and arrow from the (28) spear or javelin in order to shoot (29) and strike with greater strength.
(30) civilizations developed, greater work efficiency came to be demanded, and (31) tools became more (32) .A、tool would (33) a function until it proved (34) in meeting human needs, at which point an improvement would be made. One impetus for invention has always been the (35) for speed and high-quality results--provided they are achieved (36) reasonable costs. Stone pebbles were sufficient to account for small quantities of possessions, (37) they were not efficient enough for performing sophisticated mathematics. However, beads arranged systematically evolved into the abacus. The (38) of this tool can be (39) to the development of commerce in theEast around 3000B、C、, and the abacus is known (40) by the ancientBabylonians,Egyptians,Chinese, etC、
A、originsB、devices C、sources D、evidences

Passage 6
An important factor of leadership is attraction. This does not mean attractiveness in the ordinary sense, for that is a born quality {{U}} (1) {{/U}} our control. The leader has, nevertheless, to be a magnet; a central figure towards whom people are {{U}} (2) {{/U}}. Magnetism in that sense depends, first of all, {{U}} (3) {{/U}} being seen. There is a type of authority which can be {{U}} (4) {{/U}}. from behind closed doors, but that is not leadership. {{U}} (5) {{/U}} there is movement and action, the true leaders is in the forefront and may seem, indeed, to be everywhere at once. He has to become a legend; the {{U}} (6) {{/U}} for anecdotes, whether true or {{U}} (7) {{/U}}; an important character. One of the simplest devices is to be absent {{U}} (8) {{/U}} the occasion when the leader might be {{U}} (9) {{/U}} to be there, enough in itself to start a rumor about the vital business {{U}} (10) {{/U}} has detained him. To {{U}} (11) {{/U}} up for this, he can appeal when least expected, giving rise to another story about the interest he can display {{U}} (12) {{/U}} things which other folks might {{U}} (13) {{/U}} as trivial. With this gift for {{U}} (14) {{/U}} curiosity, the leader always combines a reluctance to talk about himself. His interest is {{U}} (15) {{/U}} in other people; he questions them and encourages them to talk and then remembers all {{U}} (16) {{/U}} is relevant. He never leaves a party {{U}} (17) {{/U}} he has mentally field a minimum dossier (档案) on {{U}} (18) {{/U}} present, ensuring that he knows {{U}} (19) {{/U}} to say when he meets them again. He is not artificially extrovert but he would usually rather listen {{U}} (20) {{/U}} talk. Others realize gradually that his importance needs no proof.

One of the most eminent of psychologists,Clark Hull, claimed that the essence of reasoning lies in the putting together of two ’behavior segments’ in some novel way, never actually performed before, so as to reach a goal. Two followers ofClark Hull, Howard and Tracey Kendler, {{U}} (21) {{/U}} a test for children that was explicitly based onClark Hull’s principles. The children were given the {{U}} (22) {{/U}} of learning to operate a machine so as to get a toy. In order to succeed they had to go through a two-stage {{U}} (23) {{/U}}. The children were trained on each stage {{U}} (24) {{/U}}. The stages consisted merely of pressing the correct one of two buttons to get a marble; and of {{U}} (25) {{/U}} the marble into a small hole to release the toy.
The Kendlers found that the children could learn the separate bits readily enough. {{U}} (26) {{/U}} the task of getting a marble by pressing the button they could get the marble; given the task of getting a toy when a marble was handed to them, they could use the marble.All they had to do was put it in a hole.) {{U}} (27) {{/U}} they did not for the most part ’integrate’, to use the Kendlers’ terminology. They did not press the button to get the marble and then {{U}} (28) {{/U}} without further help to use the marble to get the toy. So the Kendlers concluded that they were incapable of deductive {{U}} (29) {{/U}}.
The mystery at first appears to deepen when we learn, from {{U}} (30) {{/U}} psychologist, MichaelCole, and his colleagues, that adults in anAfrican culture apparently cannot do the Kendlers’ task either.But it lessens, {{U}} (31) {{/U}} when we learn that a task was devised which was {{U}} (32) {{/U}} to the Kendlers’ one but much easier for theAfrican males to handle.
{{U}} (33) {{/U}} the button-pressing machine,Cole used a locked box and two {{U}} (34) {{/U}} colored match-boxes, one of which contained a key that would open the box. Notice that there are still two {{U}} (35) {{/U}} segments--"open the right matchbox to get the key" and "use the key to open the box"--so the task seems formally to be {{U}} (36) {{/U}}But psychologically it is quite different. Now the subject is dealing not with a strange machine but with familiar meaningful objects; and it is clear to him what he is meant to do. It then {{U}} (37) {{/U}} that the difficulty of integration is greatly reduceD、
Recent work by Simon Hewson is of great interest here for it shows that, for young children, {{U}} (38) {{/U}}, the difficulty lies not in the {{U}} (39) {{/U}} processes which the task demands, but in certain perplexing features of the apparatus and the procedure. When these are changed in ways which do not at all affect the inferential nature of the problem, then five-year-old children solve the problem {{U}} (40) {{/U}} college students did in the Kendlers’ own experiments.
Read the following passage. For each numbered blank there are four choices markedA,B,C、andD、Choose the best one and mark your answers onANSWER SHEET 1.
A.what’s more the second place addition
D.on the other hand
9题:When theAmerican economy was running full tilt two years ago, few places were as breathlessly delighted as Seattle. Its port was thronged with ships bringing goods fromAsi
A、TheBoeingCompany could barely keep up with demand for its airliners. Microsoft was hiring hordes of software engineers.After each rain shower, another Internet millionaire sprang up. Here was a city that had it all--OldEconomy, NewEconomy, Not-Yet-InventedEconomy.
Now it has all gone sour. The past 12 months have been a non-stop succession of disappointments.Boeing’s headquarters decamped toChicago. The Internet economy popped alike a balloon in a nail factory, taking with it once promising local ventures such as and leaving can’t-possibly-miss companies such as barely hanging on.And an already troubledBoeing was hit even harder after September 11th both by a steep drop in airliner orders and by losing a $ 200 billion Joint Strike Fighter contract to Lockheed Martin.
Washington State, battered by what is happening in Seattle, now has the highest unemployment rate in the United States--6.6% compared with 5.4% in the country as a whole. Right behind it is next-door Oregon, another former boom state, with 6.5% of its workforce out of a job, the country’s second worst figure. In Oregon, manufacturing’s collapse has caused the loss of nearly 30,000 jobs in a year, those hit range from Freightliner, a maker of heavy lorries, to high-tech companies such as Intel and Fujitsu.
What makes the current plunge so painful is that every part of the economy seems to have stepped into an open manhole at the same time. Three years ago, whenBoeing began to remove more than 20,000 people thatBoeing expects to lay off by the middle of 2002 have to compete with unemployed workers not just from the high-tech industry but from construction work and even the retail sector. Portland now has more jobless than the other parts of Oregon: the opposite of how things were years ago.
Even worse, the Pacific north west’s downturn, as well as being deeper than the rest of the country, may also last longer. One reason for fearing this isBoeing’s continuing woes. NowadaysBoeing accounts for less than 5% of employment in the Seattle area, down from 9% two decades ago.But it remains the foundation on which the rest is built. Its network of suppliers and subcontractors gives it a far stronger multiplier effect than, say, Microsoft, which is more an island of prosperity than a center of weB、The chances are thatBoeing will not really bounce back until the assumed revival in air travel persuades airline companies to start buying plenty of aircraft again.And that may not be until 2003.
What is special about this economic downturn in Seattle

A、All sectors have entered recession at the same time.
B、The lay-off workers have found jobs elsewhere.

C、The OldEconomy is hit harder than other economies.
D、The low employment rate will last longer than in Oregon.

10题:某班同学参加智力竞赛,共有A,B,C三题,每题或得0分或得满分,竞赛结果无人得0分,三题全部答对的有1人,答对2题的有15人。答对A题的人数和答对B题的人数之和为29人,答对A题的人数和答对C题的人数之和为25人,答对B题的人数和答对C题的人数之和为20人,那么该班的人数为( )。
A. 20
B. 25
C. 30
E. 40




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