
1题: 企业技术创新战略主要分为自主创新战略和( )。


3题:September 11 should have driven home a basic lesson for theBush administration about life in an interconnected world: misery abroad threatens security at home. It is no coincidence that OsamaBin Laden found warm hospitality in the Taliban’sAfghanistan, whose citizens were among the most impoverished and oppressed on earth. If the administration took this lesson seriously, it would dump the rules of realpolitik that have governed U.S. foreign aid policy for 50 years. Instead, it is pouring money into an ally of convenience, Pakistan, which is ultimately likely to expand the ranks of anti-American terrorists abroaD、
To enlist Pakistan in the fight against the Taliban, theBush administration resurrected theCold War tradition of propping up despotic military regimes in the name of peace and freedom. Its commitment of billions of dollars to Pakistan since September 11 will further entrench the sort of government that has made Pakistan both a development failure and a geopolitical hotspot for decades. Within Pakistan, the aid may ultimately create enough angry young men to make upA1 Qaeda’s losses inAfghanistan. In SouthAsia as a whole, the cash infusion may accelerate a dangerous arms race with Indi
Historically, the U.S. government has cloaked aid to allies such as Pakistan in the rhetoric of economic development.As aCold War ally, Pakistan received some $ 37 billion in grants and loans from the West between 1960 and 1990, adjusting for inflation.And since September 11, the U.S. administration has promised more of the’ same. It has dropped sanctions imposed after Pakistan detonated a nuclear bomb in 1998, pushed through a $1.3 billion IMF loan for Pakistan, and called for another $2 billion from the WorldBank and theAsianDevelopmentBank. TheBush administration is also, ironically, pressing allies to join it in canceling or rescheduling billions of dollars of old (and failed) loans that were granted in past decades in response to similar arm-twisting.
Despite--even because of--all this aid, Pakistan is now one of the most indebted, impoverished, militarized nations on earth. The causes of Pakistan’s poverty are sadly familiar. The government ignored family planning, leading to population expansion from 50 million in 1960 to nearly 150 million today, for an average growth rate of 2.6 percent a year. Foreign aid meant to pave rural roads went into unneeded city highways--or pockets of top officials.And the military grew large, goaded by a regional rivalry with India that has three times bubbled into war. The result is a government that, as former WorldBank economist WilliamEasterly has observed, "cannot bring off a simple and cheap measles (麻疹) vaccination (预防接种) program, and yet...can build nuclear weapons.\
It implies in the passage that ______.

A、the U.S. government has been helping Pakistan’s economic development
B、the U.S. approved Pakistan’s detonating nuclear bomb
C、the Pakistan government is corrupt
D、the Pakistan government didn’t pay much attention to family planning

4题:一个表面为红色的正方体被割成1000个同样大小的小正方体,从中任取一个小正方体,其中有且只有两个面涂有红色的概率是( ).


5题:Advancing age means losing your hair, your waistline and your memory, rightDanaDenis is just 40 years old, but (21) she’s worried about what she calls "my rolling mental blackouts." "I try to remember something and I just blank out," she says.
You may (22) about these lapses, calling them "senior moments" or blaming "earlyAlzheimer’s(老年痴呆症)." Is it an inescapable fact that the older you get, the (23) you remember Well, sort of.But as time goes by, we tend to blame age (24) problems that are not necessarily age-relateD、
"When a teenager can’t find her keys, she thinks it’s because she’s distracted or disorganized," says Paul Gold "
A、70-year-old blames her (25) ." In fact, the 70-year-old may have been (26) things for decades.
In healthy people, memory doesn’t worsen as (27) as many of us think. "As we (28) , the memory mechanism isn’t (29) ," says psychologist FergusCraik. "It’s just inefficient."
The brain’s processing (30) slows down over the years, though no one knows exactly (31) Recent research suggests that nerve cells lose efficiency and (32) there’s less activity in the brain.But, cautionsBarry Gordon, "It’s not clear that less activity is (33) .
A、beginning athlete is winded(气喘吁吁) more easily than a (34) athlete. In the same way, (35) the brain gets more skilled at a task, it expends less energy on it.
There are (36) you can take to compensate for normal slippage in your memory gears, though it (37) effort. Margaret Sewell says: "We’re a quick-fix culture, but you have to (38) to keep your brain (39) shape. It’s like having a good body. You can’t go to the gym once a year (40) expect to stay in top form.\

A、stages B、stepsC、advantagesD、purposes

6题:某次讨论会共有18名参会者。已知:(1)至少有5名青年教师是女性;(2)至少有6名女教师已过中年;(3)至少有7名女青年是教师。 根据上述信息,关于参会人员可以得出以下哪项?

7题:TheAfricans’ interest is to guard preferential export rules enshrined in the temporaryAfrican Growth and OpportunityAct, passed byCongress in 2,000. Tariff-free exports of some 6,000 goods fromAfrica to the United States are boosting trade and investment in southernAfric
A、Lesotho’s fast-growing textile industry depends almost entirely onChinese investment in factories to make clothes for sale in the United States. The region also wants more access toAmerica’s markets for fruit, beef and other agricultural goods.
American interest lies mainly in SouthAfrica, by far the largest economy in the region. Services account for 60% of its GDP, and it increasingly dominates the rest ofAfrica in banking, information technology, telecom, retail’ and other areas. Just asBritish banks, such asBarclays, have moved theirAfrican headquarters to SouthAfrica over the past year,American investors see the country as a platform to the rest of the continent.
Agreeing investment rules and resolving differences on intellectual property rights are the most urgent issues.American drug firms want to be part of the fast expansion in SouthAfrica of production of anti-retroviral drugs, used againstAIDS.By 2007 SouthAfrica alone expects 1.2m patients to take the drugs daily. The country might be the world’s biggest exporter of anti-AIDS drugs within a few years. Striking a bilateral deal now should makeAmerican investments easier.
But Mr. Zoellick’s greater concern is for multilateral trade talks that stalled inCancun, Mexico, in September.AlecErwin, his SouthAfrican counterpart, helped to organize the G20 group of poor and middle-income countries that opposed jointAmerican-EU proposals there; he is widely tipped to take over as head of the World Trade Organization late next year, and would be a useful ally.
So Mr. Zoellick is trying to charm hisAfrican partner by agreeing to drop support for most of a group of issues (known as "Singapore" issues) that jammed up the talks atCancun, and were opposed by poor countries; he says he also favors abolishing export subsidies inAmerica--though only if Japan and theEU agree to do the same. That would pleaseAfrican exporters who say such subsidies destroy markets for their goods.
Mr. Zoellick’s efforts to make more friends may be paying off.Even thoughAmerica has treatedAfrica very shabbily on trade in the past, Mr.Erwin hints it is easier doing business withAmerica than withEurope or Japan.
A、small sign, but perhaps a telling one.
We can conclude from the passage that ______.

A、the multilateral trade talks inCancun might be productive
B、Mr. Zoellick is very good at making friends with leaders
C、Japan andEU will abolish the export subsidies as the U.S.
D、SouthAfrica’s exports toAmerica are bound to decrease

8题: 企业在生产经营活动中,有时会面临零部件自制还是外购决策问题。假设无论外购还是自制,企业固定成本总额均不变,那么这类问题决策时,一般只考虑()。

9题:The invention of both labor-saving tools and tools of intelligence is rarely accidental. Instead, it is usually the product of human need; (1) is truly the mother of invention. People usually devise tools to (2) for natural deficiencies. For example, people invented weapons to defend (3) from physically superior (4) .But (5) is only one incentive for inventions. People also invent (6) tools to (7) certain established tasks more efficiently. For instance, people developed the bow and arrow from the (8) spear or javelin in order to shoot (9) and strike with greater strength.
(10) civilizations developed, greater work efficiency came to be demanded, and (11) tools became more (12) .A、tool would (13) a function until it proved (14) in meeting human needs, at which point an improvement would be made. One impetus for invention has always been the (15) for speed and high-quality results—provided they are achieved (16) reasonable costs. Stone pebbles were sufficient to account for small quantities of possessions, (17) they were not efficient enough for performing sophisticated mathematics. However, beads arranged systematically evolved into the abacus. The (18) of this tool can be (19) to the development of commerce in theEast around 3000B、C、and the abacus is known (20) by the ancientBabylonians,Egyptians,Chinese, etC、.

10题: 养老保险缴费比例是企业承担所有员工工资基数总额的( )。




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