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【分析解答题】The recession came at the best time that it could because it has given the US a chance to make permanent adjustments to the government’s economic and regulatory policies and has offered businesses and individuals the opportunity to change decades-old habits. It has also allowed the nation to look at its place in the world, especially its best options to compete withChina and other emerging countries, in a way that would have been forestalled (阻止,阻碍) if the recession had not happened in 2008 and 2009.
The cause of the recession is often blamed on financial firms that took astonishingly large risks with the goal of multiplying their earnings at unprecedented levels and consumers who were willing to aggressively borrow against inflated home values that were not sustainable. Government policies might have prevented this if regulators could have looked ahead in 2005 and seen the danger in financial firms trading in exotic financial instruments and offering homeowners loans based on rapidly rising home prices that, in some cases, were doubling every three or four years. Prescience, born of powerful deductive skills, could have caused regulators to sound alarm bells, but the collapse of the over-leveraged system was seen by very few experts until it was on top of the economy and in the process of ruining it.

试题答案:[参考译文] 经济衰退来的正是时候,因为它为美国提供了一个对美国政府的经济和调节政策作出永久性调整的机会,它带给企业和个人改变老习惯的机遇。它也使得这个国家审视自己在世界上的地位,尤其是思考与中国和其他新兴国家展开竞争的最佳选择,而如果2008年和2009年没有发生经济衰退,美国就不会有这样的反思。 人们常把经济衰退归咎于金融公司和消费者,这些公司为了达到使收益以前所未有水平增长的目标,冒着惊人的巨大风险,消费者则愿意大胆地贷款购买价格虚高、供养不起的房产。如果管理者能在2005年预测到未来,看到金融公司的某些交易和贷款活动(以异乎寻常的金融手段进行交易,根据迅速上涨的房价为房主提供贷款,某些情况下,房价每三年或四年翻一倍)的危险性,政府的政策也许能阻止这一情况的发生。来自强大推断能力的先知先觉本来是可对管理者敲响警钟的,但是,直到过度举债经营体系控制了经济并且在对它造成毁灭时,很少有专家想到该体系会崩溃。 答案解析:暂无解析 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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