
1题: 下列外向化战略中,( )可以绕过国际贸易壁垒,利用外国的优惠政策,降低生产和营销成本,强化竞争力。

2题:When it comes to the economy, pessimism is in and good oldAmerican optimism is out. From the headlines in the newspapers to the coffee shop chatter, it seems that there is little good to say about the economy.Bad enough that the news about Iraq, winter storms and the escalation of terror alerts continue to keep people on edge. Reports of state budget deficits and threats of major cutbacks in services such as education, health care and police also’ make people nervous.
The latest US
A、TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll reflects the new pessimism.Asked early this past week how they would rate economic conditions in the country today, just one in three--34%--said they consider it gooD、That’s down 10 percentage points fromDecember, when 44% rated the economy good and 20 points lower than September when 54% said they thought economic conditions were gooD、Moreover,’ when asked to look ahead a year from now, those people willing to say things will get better are also dwindling in numbers.
A、thin majority of 55% said they expected economic conditions to be better by this time next year. Not bad on the surface.But looking back just two months toDecember, 65%--or two of three--believed that things would improve in a year.And going back six months to September, 71% expressed optimism for economic improvement.
So the seeds of discontent are out there and they could set off a political firestorm for PresidentBush if economic conditions don’t start getting better soon. Or more importantly, if theAmerican people don’t start feeling better soon. Regardless of what the statistics say about how good the economy might be getting, theAmerican people have to feel it.And often, feelings lag behind numbers. Indeed, most people believe that the economy is in recession. Statistically it is not.Case in point: On Friday, the U.S.CommerceDepartment reported that the economy grew at a 1.4% rate in the final quarter of last year--twice as fast as the government first estimateD、Major factors in the upward revision in the gross domestic product were stronger investment by businesses in building up stockpiles of unsold goods and a slight boost to consumer spending, the main force keeping the economy going.
But while that report is interesting, and perhaps a source of hope that things aren’t as bad as they seem, more tangible examples of economic improvement are needed--solid gains in the stock market, rehiring by plants that have been laying off workers, new business expansion.
The US
A、TODAY poll further shows that nervousness about Iraq and a still-sluggish economy are taking a political toll onBush: His job approval rating is 57%, his lowest since before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Surely, what happens with Iraq will be a major factor in the president’s political fortunes next year, but if people continue to be pessimistic about the economy whenBush is in the midst of running for a second term, it will be difficult to be optimistic about his chances of winning.
The phrase "keep people on edge" (Paragraph 1) probably means to ______.

A、upset people
B、keep people alert
C、disappoint peopleD、make people pessimistic

3题: 在罗斯的显要理论中,“要求企业应尽其所能生产符合社会需要的产品,使其潜力的美德得到最大的发挥,实现自身价值是指( )。



以下哪项是上述论证所假设的? ()

6题:September 11 should have driven home a basic lesson for theBush administration about life in an interconnected world: misery abroad threatens security at home. It is no coincidence that OsamaBin Laden found warm hospitality in the Taliban’sAfghanistan, whose citizens were among the most impoverished and oppressed on earth. If the administration took this lesson seriously, it would dump the rules of realpolitik that have governed U.S. foreign aid policy for 50 years. Instead, it is pouring money into an ally of convenience, Pakistan, which is ultimately likely to expand the ranks of anti-American terrorists abroaD、
To enlist Pakistan in the fight against the Taliban, theBush administration resurrected theCold War tradition of propping up despotic military regimes in the name of peace and freedom. Its commitment of billions of dollars to Pakistan since September 11 will further entrench the sort of government that has made Pakistan both a development failure and a geopolitical hotspot for decades. Within Pakistan, the aid may ultimately create enough angry young men to make upA1 Qaeda’s losses inAfghanistan. In SouthAsia as a whole, the cash infusion may accelerate a dangerous arms race with Indi
Historically, the U.S. government has cloaked aid to allies such as Pakistan in the rhetoric of economic development.As aCold War ally, Pakistan received some $ 37 billion in grants and loans from the West between 1960 and 1990, adjusting for inflation.And since September 11, the U.S. administration has promised more of the’ same. It has dropped sanctions imposed after Pakistan detonated a nuclear bomb in 1998, pushed through a $1.3 billion IMF loan for Pakistan, and called for another $2 billion from the WorldBank and theAsianDevelopmentBank. TheBush administration is also, ironically, pressing allies to join it in canceling or rescheduling billions of dollars of old (and failed) loans that were granted in past decades in response to similar arm-twisting.
Despite--even because of--all this aid, Pakistan is now one of the most indebted, impoverished, militarized nations on earth. The causes of Pakistan’s poverty are sadly familiar. The government ignored family planning, leading to population expansion from 50 million in 1960 to nearly 150 million today, for an average growth rate of 2.6 percent a year. Foreign aid meant to pave rural roads went into unneeded city highways--or pockets of top officials.And the military grew large, goaded by a regional rivalry with India that has three times bubbled into war. The result is a government that, as former WorldBank economist WilliamEasterly has observed, "cannot bring off a simple and cheap measles (麻疹) vaccination (预防接种) program, and yet...can build nuclear weapons.\
The author’s purpose of writing this article is to ______.

A、search for the source of Pakistan’s poverty
B、seek for the reason for terrorism
C、criticize the realpolitik in U.S. foreign aid policy
D、find a solution to the tension in SouthAsia

7题:下列说法错误的是:( )。
  • A.劳动者违纪赔偿金,每月扣除金额一般不得超过本人月标准工资的30%
  • B.劳动者违纪罚款,一般不得超过本人月工资的20%
  • C.可在工资中代扣代缴个人所得税
  • D.可在工资中扣除抚养费、赡养费等


8题: 某国有企业发生了如下几种纠纷,其中哪一项不是《企业劳动争议处理条例》所规定的劳动争议( )

9题:The invention of both labor-saving tools and tools of intelligence is rarely accidental. Instead, it is usually the product of human need; (21) is truly the mother of invention. People usually devise tools to (22) for natural deficiencies. For example, people invented weapons to defend (23) from physically superior (24) .But (25) is only one incentive for inventions. People also invent (26) tools to (27) certain established tasks more efficiently. For instance, people developed the bow and arrow from the (28) spear or javelin in order to shoot (29) and strike with greater strength.
(30) civilizations developed, greater work efficiency came to be demanded, and (31) tools became more (32) .A、tool would (33) a function until it proved (34) in meeting human needs, at which point an improvement would be made. One impetus for invention has always been the (35) for speed and high-quality results--provided they are achieved (36) reasonable costs. Stone pebbles were sufficient to account for small quantities of possessions, (37) they were not efficient enough for performing sophisticated mathematics. However, beads arranged systematically evolved into the abacus. The (38) of this tool can be (39) to the development of commerce in theEast around 3000B、C、, and the abacus is known (40) by the ancientBabylonians,Egyptians,Chinese, etC、
A、originsB、devices C、sources D、evidences





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