解析:New Yorkers watching the televised

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【单选题】New Yorkers watching the televised bombing ofBaghdad yesterday said they were riveted by the raw and (1) display ofAmerican military might.But (2) , the bombing brought back particularly visceral and (3) memories. They (4) thinking about Sept. 11, and how New York, too, was once under assault (5) .
On that day,Eva Temple, 47, was one of (6) people working in Lower Manhattan who (7) the rumbling dust cloud that accompanied (8) of the World TradeCenter.And for (9) a few days after, she collected prayer cards (10) the street prophets and doomsday preachers whose advice she would ordinarily (11) . It made her feel better.
Now, because of the war, Ms. Temple is collecting those cards again. She (12) to the war, yes, but (13) , she is frightened, and (14) New York will once again become a target.
Yesterday, as bombs rained on a city 6,000 miles from New York, politicians and law enforcement officials (15) to prevent terrorism at home, much like the (16) they had taken immediately after Sept. 11.
Security officials searching checked baggage at theAmericanAirlines Terminal at La GuardiaAirport found a gas mask and white powder in a suitcase belonging to a woman who (17) from Israel, raising concerns that the powder (18) a chemical or biological agent, officials saiD、
(19) tests on the powder indicated that it contained anthrax spores, but later tests found that it did not, officials saiD、
In the interim, officials closed part of the terminal near the ticketing area, but the woman (20) a flight forDallas. When she landed, she was questioned by the F.B、I. and released, officials saiD、
A、the leastB、the mostC、at least D、at last

at least a few days after至少在几天之后。其他选项A.the least,B.the most, last搭配不当。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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