解析:Passage 1 The horse and ca

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Passage 1
The horse and carriage is a thing of the past, but love and marriage are still with us and still closely interrelateD、MostAmerican marriages, particularly first marriages {{U}} (1) {{/U}} young couples, are the result of mutual attraction and affection {{U}} (2) {{/U}} than practical considerations. In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers begin {{U}} (3) {{/U}} in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social contacts. Though young people feel free to choose their friends from {{U}} (4) {{/U}} groups, most choose a mate of similar backgrounD、This is due in part to parental guidance. Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually {{U}} (5) {{/U}} choices by voicing disapproval of someone they consider unsuitable.
{{U}} (6) {{/U}}, marriages between members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and interracial marriages) are increasing, probably because of the greater {{U}} (7) {{/U}} of today’s youth and the fact that they are restricted by fewer prejudices than their parents. Many young people leave their home towns to attend colleges, {{U}} (9) {{/U}} in the armed forces, or pursue a career in the bigger cities. Once away from home and family, they are more {{U}} (9) {{/U}} to date and marry outside their own social group.
In mobileAmerican society, interclass marriages are neither rare nor shocking. Interfaith marriages are on the rise particularly between Protestants andCatholics. On the other hand, interracial marriage is still very uncommon. It can be difficult for interracial couples to find a place to live, maintain friendships, and {{U}} (10) {{/U}} a family. Marriages between people of different national origin (but the same race and religion) have been commonplace here since colonial times.


本题测试连词。however意为“然而,可是”,表示转折关系;moreover意为“而且,此外”,表示递进关系;therefore意为“因此,所以”,表示因果关系;furthermore意为“此外,而且”,表示递进关系。前面两段讲的是相同背景下的择友,而本段中用的是different groups(不同的群体),这说明本段讲的是不同背景下的择友,应该是转折关系,所以应该选用however。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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