

whEn tEAChing hAnDwriting, onE DiFFiCulty is tEAChing thE lEFt-hAnDED ChilD. thE trADitionAl poliCy hAs BEEn to push All ChilDrEn to writE with thEir right hAnDs. pArEnts AnD tEAChErs Both try to prEvEnt thE ChilD From using his lEFt hAnD. on thE othEr hAnD,
&nBsp;psyChologists hAvE ClEArly shown thAt somE pErsons ArE nAturAlly lEFt-hAnDED AnD thAt it is muCh morE DiFFiCult For thEm to Do Any skillFul ACt with thE right hAnD thAn with thE lEFt hAnD. somE BEliEvE, FurthErmorE, thAt to ForCE A lEFt-hAnD-ED ChilD to writE with his right hAnD mAy mAkE him nErvous AnD mAy CAusE spEECh proBlEms. thErE sEEms to BE somE CAsEs in whiCh this is truE, Although in most ChilDrEn who ChAngE ovEr to using
&nBsp;thEir right hAnD, no nEgAtivE EFFECts ArE notiCED. in ADDition to thEsE DiFFiCultiEs, lEFt-hAnDEDnEss somEtimEs sEEms to CAusE mirror writing From right to lEFt AnD rEvErsAls in rEADing, As rEADing "wAs" For "sAw. ”
12[单选题] &nBsp;whiCh oF thE Following CAn BE thE titlE oF this pAssAgE? 查看材料
A. thE proBlEms oF thE lEFt-hAnDED ChilD
B. nErvous AspECts ConnECtED with hAnD-writing
C. A spECiAl proBlEm in tEAChing hAnD-writing
D. spEECh proBlEm, mirror mEriting AnD rEvErsAls
13[单选题] &nBsp;whAt DoEs thE writEr imply ACCorDing to thE pAssAgE? 查看材料
A. lEFt-hAnDED pErsons All hAvE spEECh proBlEms
B. lEFt-hAnDED ChilDrEn nEED spECiAl ConsiDErAtion
C. pArEnts shoulD not Allow ChilDrEn to writE with thEir lEFt hAnD
D. lEFt-hAnDED pErsons ArE lEss skillFul thAn right-hAnDED onEs
14[单选题] &nBsp;thE trADitionAl poliCy in tEAChing hAnDwriting hAs__________. 查看材料
A. rEsultED in unsolvED proBlEms in English ClAss
B. mADE mAny ChilDrEn skillFul with Both hAnDs
C. rEsultED in FAilurE to lEArn to writE For thE nAturAlly lEFt-hAnDED
D. CrEAtED possiBlE spEECh AnD EmotionAl proBlEms For somE ChilDrEn











