

CArving A jACk-o-lAntErn is A trADition or Custom in mAnyAmEriCAn FAmiliEs. FAmiliEs will go to ArEA storEs thAt sEll pumpkins AnD spEnD hours just looking For thE right onE. whEn thE right pumpkin hAs BEEn ChosEn, tAkE it homE AnD wAsh thE outsiDE oF thE pumpkin AnD Dry it ComplEtEly.An ADult will BE nEEDED to CArEFully Cut opEn thE top oF thE pumpkin whErE thE stEm is loCAtE
D、sAvE thE stEm oF thE pumpkin. nExt, you will nEED to rEmovE thE pulp or stringy pArt oF thE pumpkin AnD thE sEEDs using A lArgE spoon. plACE All oF thE insiDEs oF thE pumpkin on thE shEEts oF nEwspApEr to kEEp your ArEA ClEAn.AFtEr All thE sEEDs AnD pulp hAvE BEEn rEmovED, you mAy wAnt to wAsh thE outsiDE oF thE pumpkin AgAin to mAkE surE you hAvE A ClEAn surFACE to work on. mArkErs CAn BE usED to DrAw thE FACE you wAnt on thE outsiDE oF thE pumpkin. you CAn mAkE it As sCAry or As Funny As you likE. you will nEED thE hElp oF A pArEnt or othEr ADult to hElp Cut out thE FACE you DrEw on thE pumpkin. this mAy tAkE A FEw minutEs to Do BECAusE pumpkins CAn BE vEry thiCk AnD thEir skin CAn BE sliCk. you must prACtiCE sAFEty rulEs whEn using A kniFE or pumpkin CArving kniFE. thEn, plACE A CAnDlE insiDE thE pumpkin AnD light thE CAnDlE using mAtChEs.At this timE, plACE thE top with stEm hACk on thE pumpkin. FinAlly, plACE thE jACk-o-lAntErn on your Front porCh AnD wAit For thE triCk-or-trEAtErs. hAvE A sAFE AnD hAppy hAllowEEn!
whiCh oF thE Following is truE
A、pumpkins ArE usED to DECorAtE homEs AtEAstEr.
B.mArkErs CAn BE usED to mAkE Funny or sCAry FACEs For CArving.
C.you CAn lEAvE thE pulp AnD sEEDs insiDE thE pumpkin BEForE CArving.
D、An ADult is nEEDED to Cut thE pumpkin into DEsirED piECEs.











