

A、 somE pEoplE will Do just ABout Anything to sAvE monEy.AnD i Am onE oF thEm. tAkE my FAmily’s lAst vACAtion. it wAs my six-yEAr-olD son’s wintEr BrEAk Form sChool, AnD wE wErE hEADing homE From Fort lAuDErDAlE AFtEr A wEEklong trip. thE Flight wAs ovErBookED, AnDDEltA, thE AirlinE, oFFErED us $400 pEr pErson in CrEDits to givE up our sEAts AnD lEAvE thE nExt DAy. i hAD mEEtings in nEw york,so i hAD to gEt BACk.But thAt DiDn’t mEAn my husBAnD AnD my son CoulDn’t stAy. i took my ninE-month-olD AnD took oFF For homE.thE nExt DAy, my husBAnD AnD son wErE oFFErED morE CrEDits to tAkE An EvEn lAtEr Flight. yEs, i EnCourAgED—okAy, orDErED—thEm to wAit it out At thE Airport, to "EArn" morEDEltADollArs. our totAl tAkE: $1,600. not BAD, huh now somE pEoplE mAy think i’m A BAD mothEr AnD not suCh A grEAt wiFE EithEr.But As A Big-timE BArgAin huntEr, i know thE vAluE oF A DollAr.AnD thEsE DAys, A gooD DEAl is somEthing FEw oF us CAn AFForD to pAss up.i’vE mADE living looking For thE BEst DEAls AnD Exposing (揭露) thE worst triCks. i hAvE BEEn thE ConsumEr rEportEr oF nBC’s toDAy show For ovEr A DECADE. i hAvE writtEn A CouplE oF Books inCluDing onE titlED triCks oF thE trADE:
A、ConsumEr survivAl guiDE.AnD i rEAlly Do whAt i BEliEvE in.i tEll you this BECAusE thErE is no shAmE in gEtting your monEy’s worth. i’m Also tightFistED whEn it ComEs to shoEs, ClothEs For my ChilDrEn, AnD ExpEnsivE rEstAurAnts.But i woulDn’t hEsitAtE to spEnD on A gooD hAirCut. it kEEps its shApE longEr, AnD it’s thE First thing pEoplE notiCE.AnD i will Also spEnD on A ClAssiC piECE oF FurniturE. quAlity lAsts. whAt DoEs thE Author Do
A、shE’s A tEAChEr.
B、shE’s A housEwiFE.
C、shE’s A mEDiA pErson.
D.shE’s A BusinEsswomAn.











