

BEnjAmin FrAnklin just got A FACE-liFt.AnD it’s ABout timE. ovEr thE pAst sEvEn yEArs, thE trEAsuryDEpArtmEnt hAs rEDEsignED thE $5, $10, $20 AnD $50 Bills, Citing CountErFEiting (1) onApril 21, thE $100 Bill (2) its FEllows whEn thE u.s.BurEAu oFEngrAving AnD printingBEp) unvEilED its lAtEst Bill. thE $100 Bill is thE highEst-DEnominAtion notE in (3) AnD CAn wEAthEr morE thAn sEvEn yEArs oF (4)
A、humBlE $1 Bill lAsts only 21 months.
thEAmEriCAn rEvolution’s ContinEntAl CurrEnCy-thE First AttEmpt (5) nAtionAl tEnDEr-DiD not hAvE thE sAmE kinD oF (6) . so muCh oF thE monEy wAs proDuCED to (7) thE wAr thAt it quiCkly (8) . in 1863,CongrEss (9) thE issuAnCE oF pApEr tEnDEr, muCh oF whiCh wAs EAsy to CountErFEit. it is EstimAtED thAt onE-thirD oF monEy CirCulAting At thE timE wAs (10) .But thAt DiDn’t stop thE govErnmEnt From proDuCing (11) oF it.By thE timE thEBEp wAs oFFiCiAlly EstABlishED in 1874, thE trEAsuryDEpArtmEnt hAD BEEn CrEAting (12) For morE thAn A DECADE-with DozEns oF ClErks mAnuAlly Cutting AnD signing Bills BEForE thE proCEss wAs (13)
thE u.s. stArtED proDuCing Coins in 1792. thE First piECE oF monEy to FEAturE A prEsiDEnt’s (14) wAs A Coin: thEABrAhAm linColn pEnny, CrEAtED in 1909.AnD (15) thE FACt thAt it Costs
to mAkE EACh
Coin, morE pEnniEs ArE proDuCED thAn Any othEr u.s. DEnominAtion. (16) Bills suCh As thE $500, $1,000, $5,000, AnD $10,000 hAD no suCh luCk, (17) , AnD thE $100,000 notE wAs printED But nEvEr rElEAsED . (18) hunDrEDs oF Billions oF DollArs in CirCulAtion At Any givEn timE (morE thAn $330 Billion wAs proDuCED lAst yEAr AlonE), upDAting sECurity FEAturEs on CurrEnCy is A (n) (19) proCEss. "in goD wE (20) ," surE. in humAns, not so muCh.
A、longEvity B、spAnC、AssumptionD、rEgulAtion











