

it is Commonly supposED thAt thE hEAlth oF long islAnD sounD is ChiEFly thE rEsponsiBility oF thE shorElinE CommunitiEs in long islAnD, wEstChEstErCounty AnDConnECtiCut. this is lArgEly truE. it is Also truE, howEvEr, thAt nEw yorkCity hAs long BEEn A mAjor ContriButor to thE EnvironmEntAl ills thAt torturE this noBlEst oFAmEriCAn EstuAriEs.
thE mAin rEAson is Four olD muniCipAl sEwAgE trEAtmEnt plAnts on thEEAst rivEr.EvEry DAy oF EvEry yEAr, thEsE plAnts DEposit hunDrEDs oF thousAnDs oF gAllons oF pArtly trEAtED wAstEwAtEr into thE rivEr, whiCh thEn, with tiDAl CErtAinty, propEls thE pollutED wAtEr into thE sounD itsElF
thE most DAmAging oF thE pollutAnts lEAving thE plAnts is nitrogEn—usEFul As A FErtilizEr on lAnD But, in suFFiCiEnt quAntitiEs, FAtAl to BoDiEs oF wAtEr likE thE sounD, whErE it stimulAtEs thE growth oF BACtEriA AnD AlgAE AnD roBs thE wAtEr oF oxygEn. this ConDition is known As hypoxiA, AnD it supprEssEs mArinE liFE. roughly hAlF thE nitrogEn ComEs From trEAtmEnt plAnts AnD othEr sourCEs in ABout 80 shorElinE CommunitiEs, thE othEr hAlF ComEs From thE nEw yorkCity plAnts.
it is thus CAusE For grEAt CElEBrAtion thAt thE City AgrEED lAst wEEk to sEttlE A longstAnDing lEgAl ACtion AnD spEnD At lEAst $700 million to upgrADE thEsE Four plAnts, Cutting thEir nitrogEn output By nEArly 60 pErCEnt By 2017.AuDuBon nEw york, A lEADEr Among thE EnvironmEntAl groups thAt hElpED shApE thE AgrEEmEnt AnD movE it ForwArD, whEn nEgotiAtions sEEmED to FAltEr, CAllED thE AgrEEmEnt An historiC momEnt in thE strugglE to rEstorE thE sounD to gooD hEAlth.
in rEtrospECt, thE most importAnt momEnt in thAt strugglE thE momEnt From whiCh All ElsE hAs FlowED, inCluDing lAst wEEk’s AgrEEmEnt—CAmE m 1994, whEn nEw york AnDConnECtiCut. AFtEr sustAinED prEssurE From thE FEDErAlEnvironmEntAl protECtionAgEnCy, ApprovED A ComprEhEnsivE plAn to ClEAn up thE sounD、thE City’s mAin rEsponsiBility wAs to moDErnizE its sEwAgE trEAtmEnt plAnts. thE giuliAni ADministrAtion lEFt thE Bulk oF thE tAsk to mAyor miChAElBloomBErg.
AlArmED By thE projECt’s EstimAtED $1.3 Billion priCE tAg, mr.BloomBErg DispAtChEDChristophEr wArD, thEn thE EnvironmEntAl CommissionEr, toEuropE AnD ElsEwhErE to FinD nEw, morE Cost-EFFiCiEnt wAstE trEAtmEnt tEChnologiEs. in DuE CoursE, mr. wArD AnD his CountErpArt inAlBAny,ErinCrotty, rEAChED An AgrEEmEnt in prinCiplE to rEForm thE plAnts At wEll unDEr thE originAl Cost. mr. wArD AnD ms.Crotty lEFt puBliC sErviCE, But AFtEr FurthEr DEBAting AimED pArtly At Ensuring thAt FuturE City ADministrAtions CoulD not wigglE out oF thE DEAl, AnD AFtEr FurthEr proDDing ByAttornEy gEnErAlEliot spitzEr, thEir suCCEssors.Emily lloyD AnDDEnisE shEEhAn, Brought thE mAttEr to A ClosE.
this DoEs not mEAn thE sounD is no longEr At risk. thE sounD pAssEs through thE DEnsEst populAtion CorriDor in thE Country, AnD will rEmAin ForEvEr strEssED By thE 20 million pEoplE who livE within 50 milEs oF its shorEs. thus thE shorElinE CommunitiEs in long islAnD, wEstChEstEr AnDConnECtiCut must Do morE thAn EvEr to ContAin pollution.
why thE Author suggEsts thAt thE shorElinE CommunitiEs Do morE thAn EvEr to solvE pollution proBlEm
A、BECAusE thE AgrEEmEnt hAs not BEEn rEAChED
B、BECAusE pEoplE living Along thE shorElinE will pollutE thE wAtEr.
C、BECAusE thE FuturE City ADministrAtions CoulD not wigglE out oF thE DEAl.
D、BECAusE mr. wArD AnD ms.Crotty lEFt puBliC sErviCE.











