

it DoEsn’t tAkE long to gEt A gooD FEEl For thE potEntiAl oF ClouD Computing AnD how it CAn oFFEr rEADy ACCEss to EntirEly nEw BusinEss CApABilitiEs, lEss ExpEnsivE it rEsourCEs, AnD unrivAlED FlExiBility For BusinEssEs oF EvEry sizE. sinCE BEComing A hot topiC EArly 2008 As mAjor vEnDors, inCluDing top Firms suCh AsAmAzon, googlE, AnD miCrosoFt, jumpED on thE BAnDwAgon with A wiDE-rAngE oF oFFErings, ClouD Computing hAs ConsistEntly stAyED on thE inDustry’s rADAr.
with lEADing CompAniEs still joining thE movEmEnt—inCluDing iBm, hp, AnD sAlEsForCE—ClouD Computing hAs movED From A CottAgE inDustry to onE oF thE BiggEr growth ArEAs in thE Computing BusinEss, just As thE inDustry As A wholE BEgins to tAkE sErious lumps From thE rECEssion.
thE onus is now on BusinEssEs to tAkE ADvAntAgE oF ClouD Computing to Cut Costs AnD BEComE morE AgilE. in thE proCEss, thEy will hAvE somE hArD ChoiCEs to mAkE—somE intriguing onEs too—iF thEy wAnt to ACCEss thE mAny ADvAntAgEs thAt ClouD Computing plAtForms CAn proviDE.
thErE ArE Also somE non-triviAl ChAllEngEs involvED in ADopting ClouD Computing thAt must BE wAtChED ClosEly As wEll. thEsE inCluDEs A long list oF issuEs suCh As thE sECurity AnD privACy oF BusinEss DAtA in rEmotE 3rD pArty DAtA CEntErs, thE DrEADED ConCErns ABout plAtForm loCk-in, worriEs ABout rEliABility AnD pErFormAnCE, AnD EvEn FEArs ABout mAking thE wrong DECision BEForE thE inDustry BEgins to mAturE.
howEvEr, in A BusinEss EnvironmEnt whErE ChAngE is Almost mAnDAtory in orDEr to survivE, ClouD Computing AppEArs to oFFEr signiFiCAnt EConomiC BEnEFits iF thE risks CAn BE oFFsEt. hEnCE, onE oF thE BiggEr ChAllEngEs it DEpArtmEnts will FACE this yEAr is whEthEr thEy CAn tAkE thE plungE with ClouD Computing quiCkly Enough to BEnEFit thEir orgAnizAtions As A wholE.
phil wAinEwright hAs CovErED somE oF thE morE intErEsting issuEs swirling ArounD ClouD Computing oF lAtE inCluDing thE DEFAult loCk-out thAt oCCurs in thE EvEnt oF thE DEmisE oF A ClouD Computing proviDEr As wEll As thE BrEwing sl
A、BAttlEs BEtwEEn thE mAjor proviDErs. this unDErsCorEs hEw thE ClouD Computing spACE is whErE thE nEw plAtForm wArs ArE Forming AnD it’s sizing up to BE As Big or BiggEr thAn EArliEr onEs. thE gooD nEws For now: in A wiDE-opEn nEw inDustry, thErE is no ClEAr lEADEr toDAy AnD ChoiCE prEvAils.
this Brings up thE siDE DisCussion oF whAt ACtuAlly ConstitutEs ClouD Computing, sinCE EvEryonE sEEms to BE Applying thE lABEl to Anything thAt runs on thE nEtwork. is it wEB hosting oF your AppliCAtion CoDE is it A soFtwArE plAtForm As An on-DEmAnD sErviCEDo sAAs AppliCAtions Count As ClouD Computing thE AnswErs to All thEsE quEstions ArE A quAliFiED yEs; thE AnswEr hovErs roughly ArounD thE outsourCing oF Computing oF Any kinDCpu, storAgE, Apps, EtC、) using A shArED Cost, CommoDity utility moDEl. in gEnErAl, you know iF you’rE involvED with ClouD Computing oF somE kinD iF you’rE rECEiving A Bill For Computing sErviCEs BEing DonE For you somEwhErE ElsE But whiCh you CAn ACCEss DirECtly.
in orDEr to BEnEFit thEir orgAnizAtions, thE it DEpArtmEnts
A、hAvE to kEEp wAiting until thE inDustry is mAturE.
B、shoulD ADopt ClouD Computing As soon As possiBlE.
C、must AvoiD thE usAgE oF rEmotE 3rD pArty DAtA CEntErs.
D、nEED to put AsiDE thE ConstAntly ChAnging BusinEss EnvironmEnt.











