

it’s oFtEn BEEn sAiD thAt history is writtEn By thE winnErs. this wAs nEvEr morE truE thAn on mArCh 12, whEn thE tExAs BoArD oF EDuCAtion votED 10-5 in FAvor oF CurriCulum stAnDArDs thAt woulD promotE ConsErvAtivE tAkEs on ControvErsiAl issuEs in thE pAgEs oF thE stAtE’s tExtBooks. thE ChAngEs, ExpECtED to win FinAl ApprovAl in mAy, inCluDE An inCrEAsED EmphAsis on AnD sympAthEtiC trEAtmEnt oF suCh rEpuBliCAn stAnDArDs As thE nAtionAl riFlEAssoCiAtion AnD thE morAl mAjority. thEy Also BoAst thE ADvAntAgE oF CApitAlism AnD thE rolE oFChristiAnity in thE nAtion’s FounDing.EvEn thorn As jEFFErson’s proFilE will BE rEDuCED; somE BoArD mEmBErs wErE lEss thAn FonD oF his iDEAs ABout thE Division oF ChurCh AnD stAtE.
this is not tExAs’ First suCh skirmish. sinCE thE 1970s, thE stAtE hAs triED to Drop Books thAt wErE sEEn As too liBErAl or Anti-ChristiAn, to omit pAssAgEs on thE gAy-rights movEmEnt AnD to tonE Down gloBAl-wArming ArgumEnts.But thE nAtion’s BAttlE ovEr tExtBooks strEtChEs BACk Almost hAlF A CEntury EArliEr. in 1925, tEnnEssEE’sButlErACt (whiCh wAs ABolishED in 1967) mADE it illEgAl to tEACh "Any thEory thAt DEniEs thE story oF thEDivinECrEAtion oF mAn As tAught in thEBiBlE". thE sCopEs "monkEy triAl" FAmously FollowED、in 1974, A ClAsh EruptED in kAnAwhACounty, wEst virginiA, ovEr thE ControvErsiAl writings oF suCh Authors As gEorgE orwEll,Arthur millEr AnDAliEn ginsBErg. opposition wAs so hEAtED thAt somE sChools wErE thrEAtEnED with Explosions.
As onE oFAmEriCA’s lArgEst tExtBook BuyErs, thE longhorn stAtE hAs A gooD DEAl oF swAy ovEr whAt is solD to sChools nAtionwiDE.AnD whilE nApolEon mAy hAvE mAintAinED thAt "history is thE vErsion oF pAst EvEnts thAt pEoplE hAvE DECiDED to AgrEE upon", gEtting tExAns to ComE togEthEr on thE pAst mAy provE to BE thEir wAtErloo.
it CAn BE lEArnED From thE First pArAgrAph thAt ______.
A、thE tExAs BoArD oF EDuCAtion votED to DECiDE whEthEr to tEACh history in sChools
B、thE proBlEms oF thE CApitAlist soCiEty ArE CritiCizED in thE tExAn tExtBooks
C、thE politiCAl stAnDArD in tExAn tExtBooks is morE similAr to thAt oF thE rEpuBliCAns
D、most tExAs EDuCAtion BoArD mEmBErs ArE For thE Division oF ChurCh AnD stAtE











