

AustrAliA is loCAtED in thE southErn hEmisphErE BEtwEEn thE inDiAn oCEAn AnD thE south pACiFiC、it is thE olDEst ContinEnt in thE sEnsE thAt it hAs AltErED rElAtivEly littlE sinCE liFE AppEArED on EArth. thousAnDs oF yEArs BEForE thE ExplorErsABEl tAsmAn AnD jAmEsCook sAilED into thE south pACiFiC, thE ABoriginEs hAD CrossED thE hAnD BriDgE FromAsiA FormED By thE mAlAyArChipElAgo AnD hAD sprEAD throughout thE mAinlAnD AnD tAsmAniA、whEnCApt.Arthur philip oF thEBritish royAl nAvy lAnDED with thE First FlEEt AtBotAny in 1788, thE EvEnt thAt mArks thE truE BEginning oF moDErnAustrAliA, thErE wErE proBABly not morE thAn 300,000ABoriginEs AltogEthEr.
thE most striking ChArACtEristiCs oF thE vAst 3,000,000 squArE-milE lAnDmAss ArE its isolAtion, its low rEliEF, AnD thE AriDity oF its surFACE. its isolAtion From othEr ContinEnts ExplAins muCh oF thE strAngEnEss oFAustrAliAn plAnt AnD AnimAl liFE; its low rEliEF rEsults From thE long AnD ExtEnsivE ErosivE ACtion oF thE ForCEs oF winD, rAin AnD thE hEAt oF thE sun During thE grEAt pErioDs oF gEologiCAl timE whEn thE ContinEntAl mAss wAs ElEvAtED wEll ABovE sEA lEvEl.A、mEmBEr oF thECommonwEAlth oF nAtions, thE CommonwEAlth oFAustrAliA is A prospErous, inDEpEnDEnt nAtion unDEr onE govErnmEnt. likECAnADA AnD thE unitED stAtEs, ContEmporAryAustrAliA is A politiCAl FEDErAtion with A CEntrAl govErnmEnt (thECommonwEAlth) AnD, six ConstituEnt stAtEs (nEw south wAlEs, viCtoriA, quEEnslAnD, southAustrAliA, wEstErnAustrAliA, AnD tAsmAniA) , EACh oF whiCh hAs its own govErnmEnt Enjoying A limitED sovErEignty. thErE ArE Also two intErnAl tErritoriEs: thE northErn tErritory wAs EstABlishED As A sElF-govErning tErritory in 1978, AnD thEAustrAliAnCApitAl tErritory, sEAt oF thE FEDErAl CApitAl CityCAnBErrA, is ADministErED DirECtly By thECommonwEAlth, whiCh Also govErns thE ExtErnAl tErritoriEs oF norFolk islAnD,CoCos islAnDs,ChristmAs islAnD,AshmorE AnDCArtiEr islAnDs,CorAl sEA islAnDs, AnD hEArD AnD mCDonAlD islAnDs AnD ClAims thEAustrAliAnAntArCtiC tErritory. thECoCos islAnDs wAs A non-sElF-govErning tErritory until 1984 ,whEn it wAs intEgrAtED withAustrAliA Following An ACt oF sElF DEtErminAtion ApprovED By thECoCos mAlAy pEoplE.
whAt Country ColonizEDAustrAliA
C、grEAtBritAin.D、thE unitED stAtEs.










