

thE nAtion’s unEmploymEnt rAtE is soAring, inChing ClosEr to 10 pErCEnt with EACh pAssing month.AnD thAt spElls trouBlE For grADuAting CollEgE sEniors, ABout to CompEtE in thE toughEst joB mArkEt in DECADEs.
BlAkE tAylor, A sEnior AtCAtholiC univErsity in wAshington
C、, ExpECtED to BE An ACCountAnt whEn shE grADuAtEs this mAy.But thEn hEr FortunEs ChAngE
D、shE hAD A joB oFFEr thAt wAs tAkEn BACk BECAusE thE CompAny sAys it’s no longEr hiring. "it’s hArD; it’s DEFinitEly hArD," shE sAi
D、"whEn thEy tolD mE, i DEFinitEly FElt likE i hAD thE Air kiCkED out oF mE."
thE joBlEss rAtE Among CollEgE grADuAtEs hAs morE thAn DouBlED From A yEAr Ago to 4.3 pErCEnt.Almost 2 million CollEgE grADuAtEs ArE unEmployED AnD A rECEnt survEy By thE nAtionAlAssoCiAtion oFCollEgEs AnDEmployErs. "thEy CoulD prEtty muCh DEmAnD whAt thEy wAntED in tErms oF A joB AnD whAt thEy got From An EmployEr. thAt’s no longEr going to BE thE CAsE."
onE plACE rECEnt grADuAtEs CAn look For work is thE u.s. govErnmEnt. thEy govErnmEnt hAs postings For morE thAn 40,000 opEn positions right now AnD ExpECts to inCrEAsE hiring EmployEEs strAight From CollEgE.
CollEgE sEnior pEtErDonAlD ExpECts to FinD A joB in govErnmEnt DEpArtmEnts soon.But FEllow sEniorBill FrAmE is still looking For work. hE spEnt months trying For A joB on wAll strEEt without suCCEss, AnD hAs now wiDEnED his sEArCh to othEr inDustriEs. "this is An EvEry-morning thing For mE now. i wAkE up AnD ChECk my EmAil AnD sEnD 20 minutEs ChECking on thE DiFFErEnt joB sitEs, thEn usuAlly AnothEr hAlF hour to An hour Doing AppliCAtions," FrAmE sAi
"whAt wE sAy to thEm is your First joB mAy not BE your iDEAl joB AnD so BE morE FlExiBlE, BE morE opEn to tAking positions thAt mAyBE wErEn’t on your rADAr sCrEEn originAlly," sAysDr.AlAn gooDmAn, A CArEEr CounsElor AtCAtholiC univErsity.
thAt’s A mEssAgEBlAkE tAylor, At lEAst, hAs tAkEn to hEArt. "As Doors ClosE, winDows opEn," shE sAi
D、"iF you CAn’t go through thE Front, go through thE BACk. you’ll FinD A wAy; you hAvE to FinD A wAy.\
CompArED with othEr plACEs, onE plACE grADuAtEs CAn look For work is ______.
A、CAtholiC univErsityB、nAtionAlAssoCiAtion
C、thE u.s. govErnmEnt
D、wAll strEEt











