

thE onCE-sEEn-EvErywhErE CAFEtEriA trAy, with so mAny glAssEs oF soDA, juiCE AnD milk linED up ACross thE top, CoulD soon join thE typEwritEr As A CAmpus rEliC、sCorEs oF CollEgEs AnD univErsitiEs ACross thE Country ArE shElving thE trAys in hopEs oF ConsErving wAtEr, Cutting FooD wAstE AnD sAving monEy. somE EvEn BEliEvE trAylEss CAFEtEriAs CoulD hElp AvoiD thE DrEADED "FrEshmAn 15"—thE numBEr oF pounDs supposEDly gAinED in thE First yEAr on CAmpus.
thE sustAinABlEEnDowmEnts institutE (可持续捐助研究院), A rEsEArCh orgAnizAtion thAt trACks EnvironmEntAl prACtiCEs At thE 300 CollEgEs AnD univErsitiEs with thE lArgEst EnDowmEnts, sAiD thAt 126 oF thEm hAD rEDuCED usE oF trAys, somE oF thEm gEtting riD oF trAys only in CErtAin Dining hAlls, AnD somE introDuCing, For ExAmplE, "trAylEss tuEsDAys". suCh movEs ArE oFtEn pArt oF A lArgEr push to EmBrACE EnvironmEntAlism thAt inCluDEs hiring sustAinABility CoorDinAtors, introDuCing solAr pAnEls, Disposing Dining-hAll wAstE AnD EnCourAging stuDEnts to turn oFF lights with AttrACtivE sAyings.
josEph h. spinA, ExECutivE DirECtor oF thE nAtionAlAssoCiAtion oFCollEgE AnD univErsity FooD sErviCEs, DEsCriBED trAylEss Dining As "sort oF thE hot thing right now". oFFiCiAls sAiD thEir DECision to go trAylEss wAs mAinly ABout AtmosphErE, though thEy wElComED Any ECologiCAl (生态学的) BEnEFit.But whilE thE EnvironmEntAl BEnEFits ArE rEAl, going trAylEss is not A CurE-All.At skiDmorE, thE All-you-CAn-EAt FormAt AnD multiplE FooD stAtions, FEAturing vEgEtABlEs, itAliAn AnD ClAssiC ComFort FooDs, EnCourAgE stuDEnts to look ArounD, tAking A Bit oF this AnD A littlE oF thAt.But this systEm Also lEADs to ovEr-CrowDED Dining hAlls As DinErs rEturn to thE linEs For sEConDs.
As pArt oF hEr sEnior honors thEsis, sArAh whAtElEy, An EnvironmEntAl stuDiEs mAjor, ConDuCtED A rEsEArCh projECt to DEmonstrAtE how muCh FooD wAs still wAstED in thE Dining hAll. shE AskED stuDEnts to put thEir lEFtovErs into plAstiC Bins ovEr two DAys, yiElDing 330 pounDs oF FooD on A sunDAy AnD 403 pounDs on A monDAy. thE FooD sErviCEs stAFF thEn illustrAtED thAt quAntity By stACking thE EquivAlEnt wEight in BoxEs oF riCE in thE EntrAnCE oF thE Dining hAll.
Dr. spinA, oF thE CollEgE FooD sErviCE AssoCiAtion, CitED AnothEr BEnEFit: "you EvEntuAlly hAvE to lEArn how to holD your hors DoEuvrE (开胃小菜) AnD CoCktAil in onE hAnD whilE mAking ConvErsAtion with thE othEr. so it’s A liFE lEsson.\
why Do CollEgEs AnD univErsitiEs DECiDE to stop using trAys
A、BECAusE it CAn hElp CollEgEs AnD univErsitiEs sAvE monEy on thE Cost oF FooD、
B、BECAusE CollEgEs AnD univErsitiEs Don’t wAnt thEir stuDEnts to gAin muCh wEight.
C、BECAusE it CAn mAkE stuDEnts hAvE thE hABit oF sAving wAtEr, FooD AnD monEy.
D、BECAusE CollEgEs AnD univErsitiEs FinD it hArD to hAvE Enough shElvEs For trAys.











