

{{B}}pAssAgE two{{/B}}
my nEw homE wAs A long wAy From thE CEntEr oF lonDon But it wAs BEComing EssEntiAl to FinD A joB, so FinAlly i spEnt A wholE morning gEtting to town AnD putting my nAmE Down to BE ConsiDErED By lonDon trAnsport For A joB on thE tuBE. thEy wErE looking For guArDs, not DrivErs. this suitED mE. i CoulDn’t DrivE A CAr But thought thAt i CoulD proBABly guArD A trAin, AnD pErhAps ContinuE to writE my poEms BEtwEEn stAtions. thE writErs kEAts AnDChEkhov hAD BEEn DoCtors. t.s.Eliot hAD workED in A BAnD AnD wAllACE stEvEns For An insurAnCE CompAny. i woulD BE A tuBE guArD、i CoulD sEE mysElF BEing ChEErFul, usEFul, A gooD mAn in A Crisis. oBviously i woulD BE ovErquAliFiED hut i wAs willing to ForgEt ABout thAt in rEturn For A stEADy inComE AnD trAvEl privilEgEs—thosE BEing pArtiCulArly wElComE to somEonE living A long wAy From thE City CEntEr.
thE nExt DAy i sAt Down, with Almost A hunDrED othEr CAnDiDAtEs, For thE intElligEnCE tEst. i must hAvE DonE All right BECAusE AFtEr hAlF An hour’s wAit i wAs sEnt into AnothEr room For A psyChologiCAl tEst. this timE thErE wErE only ABout FiFty CAnDiDAtEs. thE ExAminEr sAt At A DEsk. you wErE signAlED ForwArD to oCCupy thE sEAt oppositE him whEn thE prEvious oCCupAnt hAD BEEn DismissED AFtEr A grEAtEr or shortEr timE. oBviously thE long intErviEws wErE thE morE suCCEssFul onEs. somE oF thE intErviEws wErE As long As FivE minutEs. minE wAs thE only onE thAt lAstED A minutE AnD A hAlF.
i CAn rEmEmBEr thE quEstions now: "why DiD you lEAvE your lAst joB " "why DiD you lEAvE your joB BEForE thAt " "AnD thE onE BEForE thAt " i CAn’t rECAll my AnswErs ExCEpt thAt thEy wErE short At First AnD grEw progrEssivEly shortEr. his Closing stAtEmEnt, i thought, rEvEAlED A lACk oF sEnsitivity whiCh hElpED to ExplAin why As A psyChologist, hE hAD risEn no highEr thAn thE unDErgrounD rAilwAy. "you hAvE FAilED thE psyChologiCAl tEst AnD wE ArE unABlE to oFFEr you A position."
FAiling to gEt thAt joB wAs my low point. or so i thought, BEliEving thAt thE work wAs EAsy.ACtuAlly, suCh joBs—BEing A postmAn is AnothEr onE i still DEsirE—DEmAnD ExACtly thE sort oF ElEmEntAry yEt rEsponsiBlE AwArEnEss thAt thE hABituAl DrEAmEr is lEAst quAliFiED to givE.But i wAs still FAr short oF Full sElF-unDErstAnDing. i wAs Also short oF CAsh.

whAt DoEs thE writEr rEAlizE now thAt hE DiD not rEAlizE thEnA.how DiFFiCult it CAn BE to BE A poEt.
B.how unplEAsAnt orDinAry joBs CAn BE.
C.how BADly hE DiD in thE intErviEw.
D.how unsuitABlE hE wAs For thE joB、











