

The word "highway" is a misleading name of this phenomenon. This "highway" is more a social and commercial environment, than a static network. The "highway" is composed of a network, and computing resources, but more importantly, the "highway" defines a new environment for people, and organizations to interact and communicate with each other. It is for these reasons that the building of such a "highway" must be done as a cooperative task force, rather than the more traditional service provider/user model that has been used in the past.Based on these concepts the information highway can be defined as: "

A、location-independent user environment, which uses high speed networking and computing for multimedia communications".
This virtual environment allows users, for the first time, to communicate with each other in a near natural way, through the simultaneous use of voice, video and image and dat
A、The environment is created through the merging of three rapidly evolving technologies. These are: transmission, which involves the latest in broadband(宽带) transmission technologies, and in the near future , broadband wireless; switching, which provides a single switching technology spanning local area networks, metropolitan (城市的) area networks and wide area networks; and compression, which allows for large quantities of data to be stored and communicateD、On the end-user side, these communication technologies are matched by computational resources for searching, retrieving (检索), and creating the information that makes up information highway applications.
There are many suggested applications for the use of the broadband information highway network.But the applications that drive the use and necessity for such networks are the groupware applications. In these applications user communities are working collaboratively on joint programs and activities. Newbridge has been involved in many of theATM networks that have been implemented in NorthAmerica in the past two years. The applications used on these networks can be categorized as follows: distance learning applications, remote medical consultation, collaborative design and remote computational applications.As the user community at large, especially in the business sector, is exposed to the benefits and uses and applications of the network, there will be a greater demand for this capability leading to rapid implementation of public networks.
Information highway means people can______.
A、go to anywhere by driving on highways
B.communicate with anyone while driving at high speed
C.exchange information with others on highways
D.talk with each other in an environment on net










