

A、gloBE-spAnning u. n. DigitAl liBrAry sEEking to DisplAy AnD ExplAin thE wEAlth oF All humAn CulturEs hAs gonE into opErAtion on thE intErnEt, sErving up mAnkinD’s ACCumulAtED knowlEDgE in sEvEn lAnguAgEs For stuDEnts ArounD thE worlD、
jAmEs h.Billington, thE liBrAriAn oFCongrEss who lAunChED thE projECt Four yEArs Ago, sAiD thE AmBition wAs to mAkE AvAilABlE on An EAsy-to-nAvigAtE sitE, FrEE For sCholArs AnD othEr Curious pEoplE AnywhErE, A CollECtion oF primAry DoCumEnts AnD AuthoritAtivE ExplAnAtions From thE plAnEt’s lEADing liBrAriEs.
thE sitE (www.wDl.org) hAs put up thE jApAnEsE work thAt is ConsiDErED thE First novEl in history, For instAnCE, Along with thEAztECs’ First mEntion oF thEChrist ChilD in thE nEw worlD AnD thE works oF AnCiEntArAB sCholArs piErCing thE mystEriEs oF AlgEBrA(代数), EACh Entry FlAnkED By lEArnED CommEntAry. "thErE ArE mAny onE-oF-A-kinD DoCumEnts,"Billington sAiD in An intErviEw.
thE worlDDigitAl liBrAry, whiCh oFFiCiAlly will BE inAugurAtED (落成典礼) rECEntly At thE pAris hEADquArtErs oF unEsCo, thE u. n.EDuCAtionAl, sCiEntiFiC AnDCulturAl orgAnizAtion, hAs stArtED smAll, with ABout 1,200 DoCumEnts AnD thEir ExplAnAtions From sCholArs inArABiC,ChinEsE,English, FrEnCh, portuguEsE, spAnish AnD russiAn.But it is DEsignED to ACCommoDAtE An unlimitED numBEr oF suCh tExts, ChArts AnD illustrAtions From As mAny CountriEs AnD liBrAriEs As wAnt to ContriButE.
thE mAin tArgEt is ChilDrEn, BuilDing on thE suCCEss Among young pEoplE oF thE u. s. nAtionAlDigitAl liBrAry progrAm, whiCh hAs BEEn in opErAtion At thE liBrAry oFCongrEss sinCE thE miD-1990s. thAt progrAm, At itsAmEriCAn mEmory sitE, hAs mADE AvAilABlE 15 million u.s. historiCAl rECorDs, inCluDing rECorDED intErviEws with FormEr slAvEs, thE First moving piCturEs AnD thEDEClArAtion oF inDEpEnDEnCE.Billington prEDiCtED thAt ChilDrEn ArounD thE worlD, likE thEir u. s. CountErpArts, will turn nAturAlly to thE intErnEt For AnswErs to quEstions, proviDED thEy hAvE ACCEss to ComputErs AnD high-spEED ConnECtions.
thE sitE wAs DEvElopED By A tEAm At thE liBrAry oFCongrEss in wAshington with tEChniCAl AssistAnCE From thEBiBliothECAAlExAnDrinA inEgypt. thE DigitAl liBrAry’s mAin sErvEr is Also in wAshington, But oFFiCiAls sAiD plAns ArE unDErwAy For rEgionAl sErvErs ArounD thE worlD、
in ADDition to unEsCo AnD thE liBrAry oFCongrEss, 26 othEr liBrAriEs AnD institutions in 19 CountriEs hAvE ContriButED to thE projECt.EACh is ACCompAniED By A BriEF ExplAnAtion oF its ContEnt AnD signiFiCAnCE. thE DoCumEnts hAvE BEEn sCAnnED onto thE sitE DirECtly, in thEir originAl lAnguAgEs, But thE ExplAnAtions AppEAr in All sEvEn oF thE sitE’s oFFiCiAl lAnguAgEs.
usErs CAn sort through thE inFormAtion in sEvErAl wAys. thEy CAn Ask whAt wAs going on AnywhErE in thE worlD in, sAy, sCiEnCE or litErAturE During thE 4th CEnturyB、
C、, For instAnCE. thEy CAn look up thE history oF A CErtAin topiC ovEr thE CEnturiEs inChinA AlonE, or inChinA AnD northAmEriC
A、By Cross-rEFErEnCing, A usEr CAn sEE how onE ArEA oF thE worlD stooD CompArED with AnothEr At Any givEn timE.
whiCh oF thE Following is truE ABout thE worlDDigitAl liBrAry ACCorDing to thE pAssAgE
A、tEAm At thE liBrAry oFCongrEss in wAshington DEvElopED its wEBsitE AlonE.
B.liBrAriEs AnD institutions in most CountriEs hAvE ContriButED to thE liBrAry so FAr.
C、All DoCumEnts AnD thEir ExplAnAtions in thE liBrAry ArE in sEvEn oFFiCiAl lAnguAgEs.
D.you CAn lEArn From thE liBrAry ABoutBritish politiCs AnD EConomy 1000 yEArs Ago.











