

thErE hE wAsAmEriCA’s First prEsiDEnt with A mBA, thE mAn who lovEs to BoAst ABout his BusinEss BACkgrounD, whosE prEsiDEntiAl CAmpAign rAisED unprECEDEntED sums From CorporAtE wAllEts AnD whosE CABinEt is stuFFED with ChiEF ExECutivEs.But hE sAiD FiErCEly, By ExECutivEs "BrEAChing trust AnD ABusing powEr". it wAs timE For "AnEw EthiC oF pErsonAl rEsponsiBility in thE BusinEss Community". hE wAs going to "EnD thE DAys oF Cooking thE Books, shADing thE truth AnD BrEAking our lAws".
only months Ago, thE iDEA thAt gEorgE wBush woulD puBliCly lAmBAstEAmEriCA’s CoopErAtE BossEs wAs lAughABlE.As A CAnDiDAtE, BornE on thE wAvE oF A DECADE-long EConomiC Boom AnD An unprECEDEntED 18-yEAr Bull mArkEt, hE CAshED in onAmEriCAn’s lovE AFFAir with CorporAtE suCCEss.But things ArE DiFFErEnt now. thE stoCk mArkEt BuBBlE hAs Burst AnD, DEspitE signs oF EConomiC rECovEry. wAll strEEt sEEms to BE sunk in gloom.
A、string oF sCAnDAls At somE oFAmEriCA’s most high-Flying Firms--inCluDingEnron, xErox. tyCo, gloBAlCrossing AnD most rECEntly, worlDCom--hAs rADiCAlly ChAngED thE puBliC moo
As politiCAl prEssurE For rEForm inCrEAsEs, so too DoEs thE hEArt on mr.Bush. is thE BusinEssmAn’s prEsiDEnt rEAlly prEpArED to tAkE BusinEss on AnD push hArD For rEFormDEspitE thE sEt jAw AnD AggriEvED tonE in nEw york. proBABly not. mr.Bush thinks thE CurrEnt Crisis stEms From A FEw BAD-ApplE ChiEF ExECutivEs rAthEr thAn thE systEm As A wholE. hEnCE his FoCus on tough pEnAltiEs For Corrupt BusinEssmEn AnD his plEA For highEr EthiCAl stAnDArDs. thE prEsiDEnt AnnounCED thE CrEAtion oF A FinAnCiAl-CrimEs swAt tEAm, At thE justiCEDEpArtmEnt to root out CorporAtE FrAuD, AnD wAnts to DouBlE thE mAximum prison sEntEnCE For FinAnCiAl FrAuD From FivE to tEn yEArs.But hE oFFErED FEw ConCrEtE suggEstions For systEmiC rEForm: littlE mEntion oF ChAngEs to strEngthEn shArEholDErs’ rights, not EvEn An EnDorsEmEnt oF thE sEnAtE CorporAtE-rEForm Bill.
thErE ArE FEw signs yEt thAt ClEAning up CorporAtEAmEriCA is An issuE thAt AnimAtEs thE votErs. polls show thAtAmEriCAns hAvE littlE FAith in thEir BusinEss lEADErs, But politiCiAns Do not sEEm to BE suFFEring As A rEsult. mr.Bush’s ApprovAl rAtings hAvE FAllEn From thEir sky-highs, But thEy ArE still vEry strong.
thE prEsiDEnt, thErEForE, nEED Do no morE thAn tAlk tough. this AlonE will ConvinCE orDinAryAmEriCAns thAt hE is on top oF thE issuE.As thE EConomy rEBounDs AnD puBliC outAgE suBsiDEs, thE ClAmor For ChAngE will BE quiEtEr.DEmoCrAtiC AttACks will FizzlE, AnD FAr-rEAChing rEForm Bills will BE wAtErED Down BEForE thEy BEComE lAw. politiCAlly, thE gAmBlE mAkEs sEnsE. unFortunAtEly ForAmEriCAn CApitAlism, A grEAt opportunity will BE missE
ACCorDing to thE pAssAgE, whiCh oF thE Following stAtEmEnts is truE、
A、mr.Bush hAD to oFFEr ConCrEtE suggEstions For rEForm As politiCAl prEssurE inCrEAsEs.
B、At prEsEnt, thE mAximum prison sEntEnCE For FinAnCiAl FrAuD is FivE yEArs.
C.it is lAughABlE thAt mr.Bush puBliCly AttACkEDAmEriCA’s CorporAtE BossEs.
D、AmEriCAns hAvE littlE FAith in thEir BusinEss As wEll As politiCAl lEADErs.











