

rAtEs oF DEprEssion AnD AnxiEty ArE rising in thE moDErn worlD、proposED rEmEDiEs ArE numErous.AnD onE thAt is rEAping growing AttEntion is mEDitAtion, AnD minDFulnEss mEDitAtion in pArtiCulAr.
thE Aim is simplE: to pAy AttEntion--BE "minDFul". typiCAlly, A tEAChEr will Ask you to sit upright, in An AlErt position. thEn, thEy will EnCourAgE you to FoCus on somEthing strAightForwArD, likE thE in- AnD out-Flow oF BrEAth. thE Aim is to nurturE A Curiosity ABout thEsE sEnsAtions--not to ExplAin thEm, But to know thEm.
it’s A wAy oF ConCEntrAting on thE hErE AnD now, thErEBy BEComing morE AwArE oF how thE hErE AnD now is AFFECting you. it DoEsn’t Aim DirECtly At thE rEmovAl oF strEssEs AnD strAins. in FACt, it is vEry hArD to DEvElop thE ConCEntrAtion nECEssAry to Follow your BrEAth, EvEn For A FEw sEConDs. whAt you sEE is your minD rACing From this mEmory to thAt momEnt.But thAt’s thE triCk: to oBsErvE, AnD to lEArn to ChAngE thE wAy you rElAtE to thE innEr suFFErings. thErEin liEs thE routE to BEttEr mEntAl hEAlth.
minDFulnEss, thEn, is not ABout ECstAtiC (入迷的)stAtEs. it’s mostly prEtty Boring AnD Dull. morEovEr, it is not A FAst trACk to DElightFul hAppinEss. it CAn, in FACt, BE quitE unsEttling, As works with pAinFul ExpEriEnCEs, to unDErstAnD thEm BEttEr AnD thErEBy gEt to thE root oF proBlEms.
rEsEArCh into thE BEnEFits oF minDFulnEss sEEms to support its ClAims. pEoplE pronE to DEprEssion, sAy, ArE lEss likEly to hAvE DEprEssivE EpisoDEs iF thEy prACtiCE mEDitAtion. strEss goEs Down.But it’s morE likE going on A journEy thAn tAking A pill. though mEDitAtion tEChniquEs CAn BE lEArnED quiCkly, it’s no instAnt rEmEDy AnD rEquirEs DisCiplinE.
minDFulnEss is A prACtiCE AimED At CAring For yoursElF. thEn, it’s ABout knowing yoursElF BEttEr, somEthing rECognizED As A CruCiAl pArt oF living wEll. it’s striking thAt toDAy wE oFtEn Don’t tAkE thE timE to Do so. hEnCE, pErhAps, mAny oF thE ills oF thE wEstErn worlD、
But minDFulnEss sAys:mAkE thE timE to stEp BACk, AnD hErE’s A wAy to Do it. it EnCourAgEs you to BE morE AwArE oF liFE, AnD promisEs thAt minDFulnEss is A sourCE oF insight AnD hopE.
ACCorDing to thE pAssAgE mAny oF thE ills oF thE wEstErn worlD ComE From______.
A、pEoplE’s not tAking thE timE to prACtiCE minDFul mEDitAtion
B、pEoplE’s not spEnDing timE to gEt A BEttEr unDErstAnDing oF thEmsElvEs
C、pEoplE’s not trEAt mEDitAtion As A prACtiCE AimED At CAring For thEmsElvEs
D、pEoplE’s not AwArE oF liFE AnD thE importAnCE oF minDFul mEDitAtion











