

Country musiC
A、CommErCiAl oFFshoot oF thE Folk musiC oF thE rurAl south, Country musiC is AnAmEriCAn Art Form thAt gAinED worlDwiDE AppEAl AFtEr worlD wAr ⅱ. originAlly known As hillBilly or mountAin musiC, Country musiC grEw From thE Folk musiC thAt wAs Brought to northAmEriCA ByAnglo-CEltiC sEttlErs in thE 1700s AnD 1800s. thE musiC ChAngED As it CAmE in ContACt with EthniC musiC--ACADiAnCAjun) in louisiAnA, lAtin in thE southwEst,AFriCAn throughout muCh oF thE south--AnD suCh populAr musiC As thAt FounD in vAuDEvillE, minstrEl shows, AnD hAwAiiAn tEnt shows. it wAs Also CAllED Country AnD wEstErn musiC BECAusE oF its populArity with CowBoys.
trADitionAlly Country musiCiAns hAvE BEEn most proFiCiEnt on stringED instrumEnts. thE violin, or FiDDlE, wAs thE most populAr instrumEnt on thE FrontiEr BECAusE oF its EAsy portABility. to this DAy FiDDlE ContEsts rEmAin A FEAturE oF thE Country musiC sCEnE. thE BAnjo wAs ADAptED From thEAFriCAnAmEriCAn CulturE, AnD thE FivE-siring moDEl is now univErsAlly populAr Among pErFormErs oF thE stylE known As BluEgrAss. thE guitAr hAs long BEEn A stAplE oF Country musiC BAnDs AnD singErs. string BAss AnD hAwAiiAn guitAr hAvE BEEn usED sinCE thE 1920s, AnD thEir moDErn DEsCEnDAnts ArE thE ElECtriC BAss AnD thE pEDAl stEEl guitAr.Drums, piAnos, AnD ElECtriFiED instrumEnts, usED As EArly As thE 1930s By wEstErn swing BAnDs, ArE hEArD on Country rECorDings From thE 1950s.
in 1922 rADio stAtions wBAp in Fort worth, tEx. , AnD wsB、inAtlAntA, gA、, BroADCAst shows CAllED BArn DAnCEs, moDElED AFtEr thE inFormAl soCiAl DAnCing oF thE FrontiEr.ChiCAgo’s wls stArtED whAt BECAmE thE nAtionAlBArnDAnCE in 1924, AnD wsm in nAshvillE, tEnn., BEgAn itsBArnDAnCE in novEmBEr 1925, just onE month AFtEr going on thE Air. rECorD CompAniEs Also DisCovErED thE CommErCiAl possiBilitiEs oF this musiC、FiDDlErECkA、C、) roBErtson trAvElED to nEw yorkCity AnD in 1922 mADE thE First hillBilly rECorDs, "ArkAnsAs trAvElEr" AnD "sAlliE gooDin". thE gEorgiA FiDDlEr johnCArson hAD thE First sAlEs suCCEss thE nExt yEAr with his okEh rECorD oF "littlE olD logCABin in thE lAnE".A、tExAs nAtivE who ACtuAlly hAD voiCE trAining AnD light opErA ExpEriEnCE, vErnonDAlhArt (his rEAl nAmE wAs mArion slAughtEr) solD millions oF rECorDs in thE 1920s For DozEns oF DiFFErEnt CompAniEs. his First Big sEllErs wErE "thE prisonEr’s song" AnD "thE wrECk oF thE olD 97" For viCtor in 1924. in 1927 jimmiE roDgErs, originAlly A yoDElEr, mADE his First rECorDings.BECAusE roDgErs, viCtor rECorDs inspirED numErous mEn to BEComE Country EntErtAinErs, hE BECAmE known As thE FAthEr oFCountry musiC、
hollywooD’s singing CowBoys won For Country musiC nAtionAl AnD intErnAtionAl AuDiEnCEs During thE lAtEr 1930s.EvEn though rECorD sAlEs For Country AnD othEr typEs oF musiC slippED During thE grEAtDEprEssion, rADio ContinuED to BroADCAst A lArgE ArrAy oF livE Country musiC tAlEnt, usuAlly in thE EArly morning, noon, or lAtE night hours. nEw BArn DAnCEs wErE hEArD on thE AirwAvEs, AnD two oF thE loCAl shows gAinED nEtwork rADio AuDiEnCEs During thE 1930s.
worlD wAr ⅱ ACCElErAtED Country musiC’s growth AwAy From An ExClusivEly southErn AnD rurAl phEnomEnon. southErn sErviCEmEn took thE musiC with thEm to FAr-Flung pArts oF thE nAtion AnD thE worlD, whilE CiviliAn DEFEnsE workErs From thE south Brought thEir lovE oF thE musiC into thE vArious CEntErs oF wAr proDuCtion.
thE postwAr yEArs Brought A nEwFounD nAtionAl prospErity, whiCh BoostED Country musiC to grEAtEr CommErCiAl hEights. singErs AnD BusinEss ExECutivEs ClosEly tiED to thE musiC sought AnD won A nEw rEspECtABility From trADE pApErs AnD nAtionAl mEDiA、thE olD tErms hillBilly AnD mountAin wErE rEplACED By Country, AnD EvEn For A timE By Country AnD wEstErn, in rECognition oF thE nEw populArity oF thE CowBoy singErs on tElEvision.








