

The wide variety of climates in NorthAmerica has helped spawn a complex pattern of   soil regions. In general, the realm’’s soils also reflect the broad environmental partitioning   into "humidAmerica" and "aridAmeric

A、" Where annual precipitation exceeds 20 inches   (50 centimeters),soils in humid areas tend to be acidic in chemical content, Since crops(5) do best in soils that ale neither acidic(higher in acid content) nor alkaline(higher in salt   content).fertilization is necessary to achieve the desired level of neutrality between the   two.AridAmerica’’s soils are typically alkaline and must be fertilized back toward   neutrality by adding acidic compounds.Although many of these dryland soils, particularly   in the Great Plains, are quite fertile,European settlers learned over a century ago that(10) water is the main missing ingredient in achieving their agricultural potential. In the   1970’’s, certain irrigation methods were perfected and finally provided a real opportunity   to expand more intensive farming west from theCentral Lowland into the drier portions   of the Great Plains. Glaciation also enhanced the rich legacy of fertile soils in the central   United States, both from the deposition of mineral-rich glacial debris left by meltwater(15) and from thick layers of fine wind-blown glacial material, called loess, in and around the   middle Mississippi Valley.   Natural vegetation patterns could be displayed on a map of NorthAmerica, but the   enormous human modification of the NorthAmerican environment in modem times has   all but reduced this regionalization scheme to the level of the hypothetical. Nonetheless,(20) the humidAmerica-aridAmerica dichotomy is still a valid generalization: the natural   vegetation of areas receiving more than 20 inches of water yearly is forest, whereas the   drier climates give rise to a grassland cover. The forests of NorthAmerica tent to make   a broad transition by latitude. In theCanadian North, needle-leaf forests dominate, but   these coniferous trees become mixed with broadleaf deciduous trees as one crosses the(25) border into the Northeast United StatesAs one proceeds toward the Southeast, broadleaf vegetation   becomes dominant.AridAmerica mostly consists of short-grass prairies or   stepper. The only areas of true desert are in the Southwest. How did glacial meltdown affect the soil in NorthAmerica
A、It redistributed the soil types
B.It added salt to the soil
C.It made the soil more neutral in content
D.It added minerals to the soil










