

StAnDArD usAgE inCluDEs thosE worDs AnD ExprEssions unDErstooD, usED, AnD ACCEptED By A mAjority oF thE spEAkErs oF A lAnguAgE in Any situAtion rEgArDlEss oF thE lEvEl oF FormAlity.As suCh, thEsE worDs AnD ExprEssions ArE wEll DEFinED AnD listED in stAnDArD DiCtionAriEs.ColloquiAlisms, on thE othEr hAnD, ArE FAmiliAr worDs AnD iDioms thAt ArE unDErstooD By Almost All spEAkErs oF lAnguAgE AnD usED in inFormAl spEECh or writing, But not ConsiDErED ACCEptABlE For morE FormAl situAtions.Almost All iDiomAtiC ExprEssions ArE ColloquiAl lAnguAgE. SlAng, howEvEr, rEFErs to worDs AnD ExprEssions unDErstooD By A lArgE numBEr oF spEAkErs But not ACCEptED As AppropriAtE FormAl usAgE By thE mAjority.ColloquiAl ExprEssions AnD EvEn slAng mAy BE FounDing stAnDArDDiCtionAriEs But will BE so iDEntiFiE
D、BothColloquiAl usAgE AnD slAng ArE morE Common in spEECh thAn in writing.
ColloquiAl spEECh oFtEn pAssEs into stAnDArD spEECh. SomE slAng Also pAssEs into stAnDArD spEECh, But othEr slAng ExprEssions Enjoy momEntAry populArity FollowED By oBsCurity. In somE CAsEs, thE mAjority nEvEr ACCEpts CErtAin slAng phrAsEs But nEvErthElEss rEtAins thEm in thEir CollECtivE mEmoriEs.EvEry gEnErAtion sEEms to rEquirE its own sEt oF worDs to DEsCriBE FAmiliAr oBjECts AnD EvEnts.
It hAs BEEn pointED out By A numBEr oF linguists thAt thrEE CulturAl ConDitions ArE nECEssAry For thE CrEAtion oF A lArgE BoDy oF slAng ExprEssions. First, thE introDuCtion AnD ACCEptAnCE oF nEw oBjECts AnD situAtions in thE soCiEty ; sEConD, A DivErsE populAtion with A lArgE numBEr oF suBgroups ; thirD, AssoCiAtion Among thE suBgroups AnD thE mAjority populAtion.
FinAlly, it is worth noting thAt thE tErms "stAnDArD," "ColloquiAl," AnD "slAng" Exist only As ABstrACt lABEls For sCholArs who stuDy lAnguAgE. Only A tiny numBEr oF thE spEAkErs oF Any lAnguAgE wilt BE AwArE thAt thEy ArE using ColloquiAl or slAng ExprEssions. Most spEAkErs oFEnglish will, During AppropriAtE situAtions, sElECt AnD usE All thrEE typEs oF ExprEssions.
It CAn BE inFErrED From thE pAssAgE thAt thE Author ______.
A、DoEs not ApprovE oF EithEr slAng or ColloquiAl spEECh in Any situAtion
B、ApprovEs oF ColloquiAl spEECh in somE situAtions, But not slAng
C、ApprovEs oF slAng AnD ColloquiAl spEECh in AppropriAtE situAtions
D、DoEs not ApprovE oF ColloquiAl usAgE in writing












从1927年11月到1935年12月瓦窑堡会议之前,中国共产党在政权问题上的基本1940年1月,毛泽东在《新民主主义论》中提出的建国方案是( ) A.新民主主义1948年12月30日,毛泽东在那篇文章中首次公开使用“人民民主专政”的概念(资本主义道路在中国走不通的最根本原因是( ) A.帝国主义不容许 B.封建主义不1927年大革命失败后中国社会的性质是( ) A.封建社会 B.资本主义社会 C新民主主义革命的领导阶级是() A.民族资产阶级 B.小资产阶级 C.无产阶级