

LastAugust, Joe and Mary Mahoney began looking at colleges for their 17-year-old daughter, Maureen. With a checklist of criteria in hand, theDallas family looked around the country visiting half a dozen schools. They sought a university that offered the teenager’s intended major, one located near a large city, and a campus where their daughter would be safe.

"The safety issue is a big one," says Joe Mahoney, who quickly discovered he wasn’t alone in his worries. On campus tours other parents voiced similar concerns, and the same question was always asked, what about crimeBut when college officials always gave the same answer— "That’s not a problem here," Mahoney began to feel uneasy.
"No crime whatsoever " comments Mahoney today. "I just don’t buy it." Nor should he. in 1999 the U.S.Department ofEducation had reports of nearly 400,000 serious crimes on or around our campuses. "Parents need to understand that times have changed since they went to college," saysDavid Nichols, author ofCreating a SafeCampus. "Campus crime mirrors the rest of the nation."
But getting accurate information isn’t easy.Colleges must report crime statistics by law, but some hold back for fear of bad publicity, leaving the honest ones looking dangerous. "The truth may not always be obvious," warns S.DanielCarter of Security onCampus, InC、, the nation’s leading campus safety watchdog group.
To help concerned parents,Carter promised to visit campuses and talk to experts around the country to find out major crime issues and effective solutions.
The Mahoneys visited quite a few colleges lastAugust ______.
A、to express the opinions of many parents
B.to choose a right one for their daughter
C.to check the cost of college education
D.to find a right one near a large city











搞清楚什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义的关键是() A.正确认识计划与市场的关系党代表中国先进生产力发展要求必须履行的重要职责是() A.加强国际贸易 B.改革马克思主义同中国实际相结合的第二次历史性飞跃的理论成果是() A.毛泽东思想 B中共八大提出的我国当时经济建设的指导方针是() A.调动一切积极因素,建设社会主首次提出社会主义社会基本矛盾的是() A.列宁 B.斯大林 C.毛泽东 D.刘少属于党的根本组织原则是() A.民主制 B.集中制 C.民主集中制 D.党委制