

I have a friend who put her career on hold after she got married and had children. She stayed at home until the oldest was four years old, 56 she began doing part-time jobs to get out of the house. That wasn’t enough, so she took a full-time job, which 57 her to travel. She was making more money than her husband, even 58 four years off the market. Her in-laws, who believe a woman’s only function is housekeeping, 59 to her husband with their negative opinions.Emotionally torn (受折磨的), he wanted to 60 his wife but was conditioned by loyalty (忠诚) to his parents’ ideals. Naturally, his wife also felt 61,eager to purse her vision but emotionally invested in her husband and family. I 62 her to go with her vision, because it’s her life. Too many women give up their career dreams to 63 a relationship. That’s traditional, but it can 64 you crazy.And some dreams, if you don’t purse them in time, will pass you 65 . When you’re finally free to go 66 them, you’ve 67 the window of opportunity.After further discussion, her husband went along, 68 he valued the relationship as much as she diD、 Conversely (相反地) , a former student, whose husband felt 69 by her earning more money than he did, ended her 70 consulting practice and gave up a six-figure income. To 71 conflict in her relationship, she abandoned her passion. Maybe she should have abandoned her husband’s 72 thinking and surrounded herself instead with people who believed in her.

A、relationship must be mutually 73, and any genuine relationship will adjust to change. When you recognize that a relationship is putting out your fire, ask yourself 74 you should gracefully go away and realize your dreams.Communicate how much your vision means to you, do it in a relationship-friendly 75 , and the people in your life will surprise you.











“青海长云暗雪山”中的“暗”从语法角度看是( )  A.意动用法 B.“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”这一句诗出自( )  A.《行路难》诗集《死水》的作者是( )  A.鲁迅 B.郭沫若 C.艾青 D.闻一我国盛唐时期边塞诗派的代表作家是( )  A.李白 B.杜甫 C.王维《论快乐》一文提出精神的炼金术能( )  A.比一切宗教信仰更有效力下列四句中,有宾语前置这一语法现象的一句是( )  A.姜氏何厌之有?