

OCtoBEr isDomEstiC ViolEnCEAwArEnEss Month in thE UnitED StAtEs. ThE oBsErvAnCE sEEks to EDuCAtE thE puBliC ABout this issuE whiCh AFFECts millions oF pEoplE EACh yEAr.
FivE yEArs Ago, thE UnitED NAtions puBlishED rEsults oF A stuDy ABout DomEstiC violEnCE. It FounD thAt As mAny As 275 million ChilDrEn worlDwiDE witnEss violEnCE in thE homE. ThEsE Boys AnD girls rEprEsEnt A sECrEt soCiEty oF suFFErErs. OFFiCiAls sAy thEy ArE thE ForgottEn viCtims oF DomEstiC violEnCE.
REsEArCh shows suCh ChilDrEn FACE A grEAtEr risk oF proBlEms in sChool, EmotionAl DisorDErs, AnD Drug ABusE, Among othEr things. MAny ChilDrEn who witnEss violEnCE At homE grow up to BEComE ABusErs or viCtims thEmsElvEs. ThAt is why thE UNChilDrEn’s FunD CAlls DomEstiC violEnCE "onE oF thE most importAnt humAn rights ChAllEngEs oF our timEs."
ThE CongrEssionAl hEAring wAs hElD lAst wEEk to EDuCAtEAmEriCAn poliCy mAkErs ABout thE proBlEm.
DomEstiC violEnCE is DEFinED As Any Form oF BEhAvior usED to gAin powEr or Control ovEr AnothEr pErson. It CAn inCluDE vErBAl, EmotionAl, physiCAl or sExuAl ABusE.
ThE NAtionAl InstitutE oF JustiCE AnD thECEntErs ForDisEAsEControl sAy onE in FourAmEriCAn womEn will suFFEr somE Form oF DomEstiC violEnCE in hEr liFEtimE. OnE AnD A hAlF million womEn ArE physiCAlly AttACkED or rApED EACh yEAr. In thE UnitED StAtEs, thrEE womEn DiE EACh DAy BECAusE oF violEnCE in thE homE.
ThE proBlEm is BEliEvED to BE EvEn morE wiDEsprEAD thAn thEsE numBErs suggEst. MAny CAsEs oF DomEstiC violEnCE ArE nEvEr rEportED、ViCtims oFtEn FEEl rEsponsiBlE For thE ABusE thEy suFFEr. ThEy Also ExpEriEnCE A strong sEnsE oF shAmE or Dishonor.
This is EvEn truEr Among mEn, who ArE lEss likEly to rEport ABusE. StuDiEs show thAt onE in thirtEEn mEn in thE UnitED StAtEs is A viCtim oF DomEstiC violEnCE.
DomEstiC ViolEnCEAwArEnEss Month sEEks to Bring thEsE issuEs out into thE opEn, AnD to gEt morE pEoplE involvED in FinDing A solution. OFFiCiAls sAy knowing thE FACts ABout DomEstiC violEnCE mAy hElp sAvE livEs AnD EnD thE CyClE oF violEnCE.
ThE CAsEs oF DomEstiC violEnCE AgAinst mEn ArE ______.
A、ExtrEmEly FEw
C、not inCluDED in thE rEport
D、lEss likEly to BE rEportED











