

in 1983, whEn oil proCEss wErE till high in my ArEA, i instAllED A grounD-sourCE hEAt pump in my BrAnD-nEw, AnD insulAtED 1,600-squArE-Foot housE. it Cost sEvErAl thousAnD DollArs morE thAn CompArABlE systEms thAt usE oil, gAs, or wooD, But i FigurED i’’D rECovEr my highEr initiAl ExpEnsE in A FEw yEArs through lowEr EnErgy Bills. truE, my hEAt pump runs on ElECtriCity-An ExpEnsivE CommoDity whErE i livE.But most oF its EnErgy ComEs From thE EArth: A propylEnE-glyCol solution CirCulAtEs through 1,200 FEEt oF two-inCh-DiAmEtEr plAstiC pipE BuriED thrEE FEEt DEEp in A FiElD nExt to my housE.As it trAvEls, thE solution ABsorBs hEAt From thE surrounDing soil, EvEn whEn soil tEmpErAturE Drops BElow FrEEzing. my grounD-sourCE hEAt pump Also oFFErs importAnt BEnEFits thAt hAvE nothing to Do with EConomiCs. *minimAl FirE hAzArD-no ChimnEy, FirEBox, or hEAting ElEmEnts-only pumps, FAns, AnD A ComprEssor. *ClEAnlinEss-no ComBustion proDuCts, thus no ChAnCE oF my hEAting systEm polluting thE inDoor Air, lEAving sCummy DEposits on wAlls AnD FurniturE. *rEliABility-soliD-stAtE ElECtroniC Controls AnD sEAlED BEAtings Almost EliminAtE BrEAkDowns. *no mAintEnAnCE-no wooD to Cut, AshEs to hAul, or ChimnEy to ClEAn. *ConvEniEnCE-thE systEm runs AutomAtiCAlly, EvEn switChing From hEAting to Air ConDitioning As nEEDE
D、i CAn simply loCk thE Door AnD go AwAy For A DAy, wEEk, or month. not only DiD i ExpECt to stArt sAving on EnErgy Costs immEDiAtEly, But i Also ExpECtED thosE sAvings to grow ovEr thE yEArs As oil proCEss ContinuED to soAr. sinCE i wAs wrong ABout oil priCEs, thE Big DollAr sAvings i’’ D hopED For hAvEn’’ t mAtEriAlizE
D、nEvErthElEss, i Am sAtisFiED, All things ConsiDErE
D、 thE BEst titlE For thE pAssAgE is ______.
A、prEpAring thE grounD For A pump systEm
B.pros AnDCons oF thE grounD-sourCE hEAt pump
C、thE grounD-sourCE hEAt pump
D、it works For mE!











