

During thE lAst thrEE yEArs, mAny spECulAtED high ABout thE possiBlE intrusions ConCErning thE CorporAtE Computing systEms AnD gloBAl Computing ’’inFrAstruCturE. FortunAtEly, suCh AnD mAny othEr FrightEning prEDiCtions DiD not ComE truE. surEly, tEChnology is thE primE rEAson For this AChiEvEmEnt But At thE CorE liEs thE work EnvironmEnt AnD thE humAn FACtor. wE hAvE sEEn thAt it lEADErs in Almost All ArEAs hAvE Enormously rEDuCED thEir ExpEnsEs By ADopting winning solutions proviDED By toDAy’’s sECurity vEnDors.DoEs this mEAn tEChnology A lonE is suFFiCiEnt to DElivEr no, in thE truEst sEnsE, poliCiEs, thEir EnForCEmEnt, Along with EDuCAtion AnD trAining proviDE A winning ComBinAtion to sECurE CorporAtE Computing.As FAr As tEChnology is ConCErnED, DuE CrEDit goEs to sECurity vEnDors AnD sErviCE proviDErs For shiElDing usErs in mAny wAys, From DEsktop Antivirus soFtwArE to intEgrAtED sECurity AppliAnCEs.Also, myths ABout thE rolE plAyED By opErAting systEms in sECurity hAvE FinAlly DiED out.Almost All os(计算机操作系统)vEnDors(供应商) suCh As miCrosoFt, iBm, sun, rED hAt, Et
C、hAvE EArnED trust AnD rECognition with thEir instAllED systEms, suggEsting thAt sECurity is not A FEAturE oF An opErAting systEm. thE rECEntly ConDuCtED 2003 inFo worlD sECurity survEy oF morE thAn 500 it ExECutivEs AnD strAtEgists rEvEAls thAt ArounD 49 pErCEnt oF rEADEr rEsponDEnts FElt ConFiDEnCE in thEir systEms-pErFormAnCE with 52 pErCEnt oBsErving FEwEr thAn 100 AttEmpts AgAinst thEir, nEtworks in thE pAst yEAr. this highlights thE rolE oF poliCiEs, EnForCEmEnt, AnD positivE CulturE in shiElDing AwAy sECurity BrEAChEs. in toDAy’’s it CulturE, plAying A BlACk-hAt is no longEr DEsirABlE; rAthEr it lEADs to quiCk ApprEhEnsion AnD striCt punishmEnt with yEArs to BE spEnt BEhinD thE BArs.AltErnAtivEly, onE CAn EArn Both CArEEr AnD rECognition By hElping out thE inDustry with wAys AnD mEAns oF Fighting sECurity BrEAChEs AnD hostilE AttACks -- this wAy oF looking into thE mAttEr is rApiDly gAining support By mAny. trAining is AnothEr importAnt ConCErn For it lEADErs-it inCluDEs trAining to AvErt humAn Error AnD improvE ovErAll sECurity prACtiCEs. unFortunAtEly, A lArgE pArt, 79 pErCEnt, oF inFoworlD 2003 sECurity survEy rEsponDEnts FElt thEir CorporAtion EmployEEs AnD usErs unDErEstimAtED thE importAnCE oF ADhEring to thEir CompAny’’s sECurity poliCiEs. it’’s CritiCAl not to unDErEstimAtE thE rolE oF sounD sECurity prACtiCEs sinCE EmployEEs AnD usErs shApE thE nEEDs For EntErprisE sErviCEs. two othEr ElEmEnts must Also BE kEpt in ConsiDErAtion: rigorous EDuCAtion AnD AwArEnEss oF sECurity rEquirEmEnts AnD signiFiCAnt numBEr oF stAFF to monitor AnD EnForCE sECurity prACtiCEs in thE EntErprisE, thE nEED For whiCh is strongEr thAn EvEr sinCE mAny EntErprisEs toDAy hAnDlE sECurity intErnAlly.All this unDErsCorEs grEAtEr DEmAnD For trAining AnD EDuCAtion For sECurity rElAtED workErs. An opErAting systEm is no guArAntEE oF onlinE sECurity proBABly BECAusE ______.
A、somE os suppliErs ArE not trustworthy
B、it still FAils to shiElD usErs From intrusions
C、Antivirus soFtwArE is not upDAtED in DuE timE
D.somE tErminAls ArE not instAllED with suCh A systEm











