

{{B}}vAlEntinE’ sDAy{{/B}}FEBruAry 14th wElComing spring. it is vEry populAr to sEnD CArDs AnD FlowErs to ExprEss lovE. somEtimEs pEoplE put thEir lovE mEssAgE in A hEArt-shApED Box oF ChoColAtE, or A BunCh oF FlowErs tiED with rED riBBons. mAny CouplEs ArrAngE romAntiC DinnErs By CAnDlE light For this oCCAsion. univErsitiEs Also holD A swEEthEArts’BAll For thE young stuDEnts to CElEBrAtE thE vAlEntinE’ sDAy.{{B}}EAstErDAy{{/B}}it is thE sEConD oF thE two most importAnt rEligious holiDAys ForChristiAns. on thEEAstEr morning, millions oF pEoplE gAthEr At opEn spACEs to sAlutE AnothErEAstEr DAwn For thErE is A rising oF hopE AnD joy.Eggs AnD BunniEs ArE thosE symBols oFtEn AssoCiAtED withEAstEr. thEEAstEr pArADE is vEry populAr in thE unitED stAtEs. thE most FAmous onE is Along thE FiFthAvEnuE in nEw yorkCity. univErsity stuDEnts usuAlly hAvE A "springBrEAk" to rEturn homE to spEnD thE holiDAy with thEir pArEnts.{{B}}hAllowEEn{{/B}}it is A timE For FrightEning CostumEs, mAsks, AnD triCks — All For Fun.ChilDrEn with Curious mAsks go From housE to housE to FrightEn pEoplE AnD thrEAtEn thEm with "triCk or trEAt" (givE mE somEthing niCE, or i’ ll plAy A triCk on you.). sinCE 1950, most ChilDrEn hAvE AskED For pEnniEs instEAD oF CAnDiEs For uniCEF to hElp ChilDrEn in othEr CountriEs, For whiCh thE 1956 noBEl pEACE prizE wAs AwArDED toAmEriCAn ChilDrEn.{{B}}thAnksgivingDAy{{/B}}it is An AnnuAl DAy oF thAnks For thE BlEssings pEoplE hAvE EnjoyED During thE yEAr. thE thEmE hAs AlwAys BEEn pEACE AnD hEAlth AnD hAppinEss. thE First nAtionAl thAnksgivingDAy wAs sEt on nov. 26, 1789 By gEorgE wAshington in his inAugurAtion. in 1839, linColn AppointED thE lAst thursDAy oF nov. to BE thE DAy.AmEriCAns usuAlly hAvE suCh trADitionAl FooD As roAst turkEy, pumpkin piE, CrAnBErry sAuCE AnD so on.{{B}}ChristmAsDAy{{/B}}it CElEBrAtEs thE Birth oF jEsusChrist. it is A timE oF wArmth AnD lovE, hospitAlity AnD gooD will. thEChristmAs trEE is vEry populAr During this timE BECAusE pEoplE think it CAn Bring gooD luCk. most pEoplE ExChAngE prEsEnts AnD sEnD CArDs to thEir FriEnDs.ADults Also lEAvE thE Brightly wrAppED pACkAgEs unDErChristmAs trEEs AnD ChilDrEn hAvE Fun For guEssing whAt spECiAl surprisEs ArE in storE For thEm. most FAmiliEs go to ChurCh onChristmAsEvE orChristmAs morning.{{i}}now mAtCh EACh oF thE FEstivAls with thE AppropriAtE stAtEmEnt.notE: thErE ArE two ExtrA stAtEmEnts.{{/i}} {{B}}stAtEmEnts{{/B}}E、CEllspACing=0 CEllpADDing=0 wiDth="100%" BorDEr=0>[A] it is sEntimEntAl AnD Full oF ACCiDEnts.
[B] it is rEligious AnD Full oF lovE.
[C] it is romAntiC AnD Full oF lovE.
[D] it is unprACtiCAl AnD Full oF DAyDrEAms.
[E] it is horriBlE AnD Full oF Fun.[F] it is pEACEFul AnD Full oF hAppinEss.[g] it is rEligious AnD Full oF hopE.











