
解析:根据下面资料,回答31-35题  "You look l

2018年07月16日来源:特岗教师考试 所有评论

"You look like you've had a toothache for the last six weeks," said Nancy. "Are you OK?"“ Oh, sure. I' m just tired,”I lied, unwilling to admit that my becoming a teacher was a mistake and that I doubted whether I would last that first year. Making it to November looked uncertain. 
During the job interview, I impressed the principal and the English supervisor with confidence enthusiasm even when they explained that the students assigned to me would be difficult, and the program lacked books. The supervisor promised," Don't worry. I' 11 mentor you well work together". 
On the eve of my first day, my mentor handed me a box of old books and said,"you might find something useful here. Dorothy, I' m sorry. I've accepted another job. I won't be here to help you." She headed to her office to pack, leaving me surprised. 
But day one shook me, teachers say the first weeks are easy, with students eager to make a good impression. My students' glazed eyes, angry faces, and rude responses hinted we would have no honeymoon. Still, I believed my positive attitude would carry me. But it held no sway (控制) over kids biding their time until they could quit school forever, I shopped for motivational strategies and educated myself on teaching at risk children. But the struggles only increased. Within two weeks, a lump in my throat. 
One Sunday, I was reading the following words, "The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry.So there was food everyday for everyone." In those words, I found a sign that translated into "Don't worry. You'll make it until June." 
At school the kids and the job did not change that much. But I did, as faced each day with confidence. Nancy even noticed that I was smiling again several weeks later, the principal stopped to say, "I am impressed. Yesterday, I stood outside your door! never saw a teacher get as much out of those kids as you did." 
"Thank you, sir." I answered. I know I have the power to change myself and complete my teaching and become a better teacher in the process. 
31[单选题] What DIDN'T Dorothy want Nancy to know? 查看材料
A.Her plan to give up teaching
B.Her suffering from a toothache
C.Her regret for becoming a teacher

D.Her mistakes in the teaching course

32[单选题] When the mentor left, Dorothy_________. 查看材料
A.lost heart for lack of help
B.threw the box of old books away
C.hesitated about whether to continue teaching
D.was still confident to teach kids
33[单选题] What can we infer from the fourth paragraph? 查看材料
A.Dorothy didn't get along well with student
B.Dorothy left a good impression on her students
C.Dorothy would spend her honeymoon in two weeks
D.Dorothy had a physical conflict with her students
34[单选题] What impressed the principal most? 查看材料
A.Dorothy's smiling face
B.Dorothy's success in motivating the kids
C.Dorothy's power to change herself
D.Dorothy's calmness in naughty kids
35[单选题] What may be the best title of the passage? 查看材料
A.The Teaching Strategy
B.The Secret to Learning
C.The New Teacher
D.The Challenging Job

31参考答案:C参考解析:根据第一段第三句话可知,多萝西对南希撒谎是因为不愿意承认自己当一名教师是错误的选择,并且不确定自己是否还能坚持下去,可见她不想让南希知道她后悔成为教师。故本题选C 32参考答案:D参考解析:根据第四段可知,虽然多萝西的导师离开了,但是多萝西相信了别的教师所说的教学会很轻松。因此她仍有信心教导好这些学生。故本题选D。  33参考答案:A 参考解析:根据第四段可知,学生们无神的眼睛,生气的脸和粗鲁的回应使得多萝西心情很差,可见她和学生相处得不好,故B项错误。文中的honeymoon指的是学生和自己相处的美好时光,第四段第二句明确指出他们并没有“蜜月”,故C项错误。D项在第四段并未提及。故本题选A。 34参考解析:根据第六段最后一句话可知,校长说从未看见一名教师可以为学生改变这么多,所以是多萝西改变自己的力量给校长留下了深刻印象。故本题选C。  35参考答案:A参考解析:通读全文,可以看出这篇短文所讲的是多萝西如何调整自己的教学策略来适应自己的教学工作和教导学生的。故本题选A。 查看试题解析出处>>

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