
解析:根据下面提示,请用英语写一篇100字左右的小短文,标题已给出。 (

来源:网考网特岗教师 所有评论

(1).有的人喜欢参加旅行社旅游(package tours);
(2).有的人喜欢自助旅游(travelling individually);
Which Mode of Travel Do You Like?

 Which Mode of Travel Do You Like? Traveling in vacation has become the mainstream for people to release their work pressure. When it comes to travel, different people have different opinions, some people hold the opinion that traveling individually is the first choice, while others are more prefer to package tours. In my point of view, I prefer traveling individually. If you traveling individually, you are capable to select your own itinerary. As we all know, the biggest disadvan-tage of package tour is that the tourists have to follow exactly the travel agency' s schedule. On the contrary, you are free to stay in the scenic spots as long as you want during the traveling individually. In addition, the case of tour guide force tourists to buy souvenir is always on the news. By contrast, if you choose traveling individually, you don' t have to worry about this problem. It' s your choice to buy souvenir or not. To sum up, given the factors that I have just outlined, it is wise to support the statement that chooses traveling individually. 查看试题解析出处>>


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