

2题:He finished reading the book.      
A.So was his sister                  
B.So did his sister
C.So his sister was                  
D.So his sister did


3题:下面有关小学儿童心理发展特点的说法,正确的是( )。

4题: 在一个测验中,衡量是否达到测验目的的程度,即是否测出了所要测量的东西的指标是( )。


6题:对于不敢真实表达自己真实感情想法的学生,有效地行为改变方法是(  )

7题:“快”字第3笔的笔画是“竖”。    (    )

8题:教育法规的调整对象是(  )。

9题:《未成年人保护法》规定、学校、幼儿园、托儿所和公共场所发生突发事件时。应当(  )A.优先救护女性

10题: 问题解决的过程包括:发现问题、理解问题、提出假设和(  )。

Old Henry and his wife Phoebe loved one another.They were simple 21 .Their world was their fruit trees, cornfields and a backyard 22 pigs and chickens. The rest of the world was a 23 place like
 stars in the sky.
Sometimes, Henry worried about 24 .His wife would say, "If you 25 talking like that,
I wilt go away and what would you do? There is nobody to 26 you."
Old Henry knew his wife would never 27 him.The only thing he 28 was death and the
life if his wife died.Knowing she was there, beside him, in the dark, made Henry 29 again.In this way, they lived 30 in their world.
One day, Phoebe became sick and 31 .Old Henry watched them put her body in the earth.
When people left, he still stood near the tomb for long. At night, he read newspapers 32 most of the time, he just sat, looking at the door, 33 where Phoebe was and 34 he would die.
For five months, he lived like this.One day, he went out to cut grass.Just 35 the hill, he saw Phoebe again.Yes, there she was, down in the valley, smiling up at him.She was in the same blue dress.She 36 a hand and seemed to say, "Come, come with me." Henry felt the strong pull of a new world 37 he and Phoebe would always be together.He gave a 38 cry, "Wait,Phoebe, wait for me.I'm coming."
The next day, some farm boys 39 Henry at the bottom of the hill. His body was broken.
There was a soft, happy smile on his face.The 40 smile he had worn when Phoebe was alive.
42[单选题] 查看材料
A. workers 
B. farmers 
C. doctors 

D. teachers
43[单选题] 查看材料
A. on 
B. in 
C. with 
D. from
44[单选题] 查看材料
A. small 
B. faraway
C. close 
D. big
45[单选题] 查看材料
A. harvest 
B. wealth 
C. health 
D. death
46[单选题] 查看材料
A. enjoy  
B. keep 
C. finish 
D. mind
47[单选题] 查看材料
A. look at 
B. look after 
C. look up 
D. look for
48[单选题] 查看材料
A. leave 
B. move 
C. watch 
D. ask
49[单选题] 查看材料
A. had 
B. failed 
C. performed 
D. feared
50[单选题] 查看材料
A. quiet 
B. lonely 
C. simple 
D. gentle
51[单选题] 查看材料
A. sadly 
B. worriedly 
C. gladly 
D. warmly
52[单选题] 查看材料
A. died 
B. disappeared 
C. cried 
D. walked
53[单选题] 查看材料
A. but 
B. so 
C. and 
D. for
54[单选题] 查看材料
A. knowing 
B. wondering 
C. expecting 
D. remembering
55[单选题] 查看材料
A. how long 
B. how often 
C. how soon 
D. how much
56[单选题] 查看材料
A. in front of 
B. on the top of 
C. at the bottom of 
D. at the foot of
57[单选题] 查看材料
A. waved 
B. lost 
C. shook 
D. saw
58[单选题] 查看材料
A. when 
B. that 
C. which 
D. where
59[单选题] 查看材料
A. crazy 
B. surprised 
C. happy 
D. disappointed
60[单选题] 查看材料
A. picked 
B. found 
C. searched 
D. met
61[单选题] 查看材料
A. different 
B. separate 
C. same 
D. kind

12题:“先行组织者”概念的提出者是美国著名教育心理学家(  )。


14题:下列各句中,画横线的成语使用正确的是(  )。

b的夹角为(   ).



16题:心理是人脑的机能,是人脑对内在心理活动的反映。(  )

17题:我国酸雨主要出现在长江以南,北方只有零星分布,这是因为北方常有沙尘天气,来自沙漠的沙尘和当地土壤都偏碱性。由此可以推出(  )。

A farmer carelessly lost an expensive gold watch in the barn on the farm, where he searched for everywhere but in vain.
So he put a 21 on the gate of the farm: whoever finds the gold watch will be 22 100 dollars.
Facing the 23 of the handsome reward, people tried their best to look for everywhere. 24 ,the grain was piled like a hill along with bales of 25 , so if they wanted to find the gold watch, it would be 
like fishing for a needle in the 26 . When the sun set, the gold watch was not found yet,
They took pains but found 27 , so they began 28 the watch was too small, the barn was too large and the straw was too thick. It was getting 29 , that they were still unable to find it.
So they 30 the temptation of 100 dollars one by one. But only a small boy in 31 clothes was still not discouraged, but kept 32 it in the grain. He had nothing to eat throughout the day. In order to
 solve the family problem, he was 33 to find the gold watch and let his par-ents, brothers and sisters have a full meal.
The night was already getting late and the boy was also tired. He was 34 in the straw to have a rest 35 he heard a strange "tick-tock". He immediately held his breath and listen 36.
It was quieter in the barn while" tick-tock" 37 clearly. The boy 38 the sound, found
the gold watch buried in the depths of the grain and finally got the 100 dollars. Like the gold watch in the barn, 39 has existed around us and spread in every corner of life. Only we are calm and
 40 look for it, can we find it.
34[单选题] 查看材料
A. notice 
B. signal
C. information 
D. photograph
35[单选题] 查看材料
A. reserved 
B. rewarded
C. equipped 

D. donated
36[单选题] 查看材料
A. pressure 
B. temptation
C. application 
D. order
37[单选题] 查看材料
A. Moreover 
B. Meanwhile
C. However 
D. Furthermore
38[单选题] 查看材料
A. straw 
B. rope
C. thread 
D. grass
39[单选题] 查看材料
A. hill 
B. basin
C. bowl 
D. ocean
40[单选题] 查看材料
A. nothing 
B. anything
C. something 
D. everything
41[单选题] 查看材料
A. finding 
B. criticizing
C. complaining 
D. realizing
42[单选题] 查看材料
A. dark 
B. bright
C. cloudy 
D. foggy
43[单选题] 查看材料
A. kept up 
B. put up
C. turned up 
D. gave up
44[单选题] 查看材料
A. luxurious 
B. shabby
C. neat 
D. new
45[单选题] 查看材料
A. looking over 
B. looking through
C. looking into 
D. looking for
46[单选题] 查看材料
A. glad
B. able
C. eager 
D. satisfied
47[单选题] 查看材料
A. lying 
B. laying
C. digging 
D. cutting
48[单选题] 查看材料
A. as 
B. while
C. when 
D. before
49[单选题] 查看材料
A. frequently 
B. attentively
C. slowly 
D. roughly
50[单选题] 查看材料
A. looked 
B. smelled
C. felt 
D. sounded
51[单选题] 查看材料
A. heard 
B. recorded
C. imitated
D. followed
52[单选题] 查看材料
A. failure
B. success
C. confidence 
D. faith
52[单选题] 查看材料
A. failure
B. success
C. confidence 
D. faith
53[单选题] 查看材料
A. occasionally 
B. randomly
C. firmly 
D. secretly


20题:在知觉过程中,知觉条件在一定范围内发生变化时,知觉映象仍能保持相对不变,这种特性叫做(  )。




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