
解析:根据以下材料,回答18-21题 Most people feel

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Most people feel lonely sometimes, but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours. This kind of loneliness is not serious. In fact, it is quite normal. For some people, though,
loneliness can last for years. Psychologists are studying this phenomenon in an attempt to better un-derstand long-term loneliness. These researchers have already identified three different types of lone-liness.
The first kind of loneliness is temporary. This is the most common type. It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention. The second kind, situational loneliness, is a natural
 result. For example, the death of a loved one, or moving to a new place. Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last
 for more than a year. Situational loneliness is easy to understand and to predict.
The third kind of loneliness is the most severe. Unlike the second type, chronic loneliness usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause. People who experience habitual loneli-ness have problems socializing. Unfortunately, many chronically lonely people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.
Many researchers agree that the loneliest people are between the ages 18 and 25, so a group of psychologists decided to study a group of college students. They found that more than 50% of the
 students were situational lonely at the beginning of the term as a result of their new circumstances,but had adjusted after a few months. Thirteen percent were still lonely after seven months due to 
shy-ness and fear. They felt very uncomfortable meeting strangers, even though they understood that their fear was not reasonable. The situational lonely students overcame their loneliness by making 
new friends, but the chronically lonely remained unhappy because they were afraid to do so.
Psychologists are trying to find ways to help habitually lonely people for two reasons. First of all, they are unhappy and unable to socialize. Secondly, researchers have found a connection be-tween chronic loneliness and serious illness such as heart disease. While temporary and situational loneliness can be a normal, healthy part of life, chronic loneliness can be a very sad, and some-times dangerous condition.
18[单选题]  What does the passage mainly talk about? 查看材料
A. Loneliness and illnesses
B. Three kinds of loneliness
C. Loneliness and shyness

D. Three causes of loneliness

19[单选题]  All the following are true EXCEPT that__________. 查看材料
A. 37% of the students can overcome loneliness easily
B. temporary loneliness does not need special attention
C. chronic loneliness can cause problems in socializing
D. situational loneliness can cause physical problem
20[单选题]  What does the underlined word "chronic" in Paragraph 3 mean? 查看材料
A. Terrible 
B. Deadly
C. Continual 
D. Ordinary
21[单选题]  Why do psychologists want to help the habitually lonely people? 查看材料
A. To improve their livingconditions
B. To make new psychological discoveries
C. To treat heart disease more effectively
D. To solve their mental and physical problems

18参考解析:B[解析]通读全文,可以发现整篇短文都在介绍三种孤独,故本题选B。  19参考解析:A[解析]根据第四段第二和第三句话,可以看出虽然有37%的学生在几个月之后调整了状态,不再感觉孤独,但并没有说明这些学生很容易地就克服了孤独,故本题选A。 20参考解析:C[解析]分析此句意思,“chronic loneliness”一般会持续超过两年,可知“chronic”意味着“长期的,连续的”.故本题选C。 21参考解析:D[解析]根据最后一段可知,心理学家们想帮助这些习惯性孤独的人是因为两个理由,一个是想帮助他们解决心理上的问题,一个是想帮助他们解决身体上的问题,故本题选D。 查看试题解析出处>>


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