

来源:网考网特岗教师 所有评论

Bicycle sharing systems are also known as yellow bicycle programs, white bicycle programs,public bikes or free bikes. They are increasingly popular in Europe now. Paris has the world's largest urban
 cycle rental system.
This is a bike rental station in Paris. The workers are showing how to use a new self-service bike. They say that Paris will become "a green capital of bikes" and they plan to park 20,000 bicy-cles at 1,600 stations. Paris created this plan to reduce waste gas displacement(废弃排放量).
At a rental station, you only have to put your credit card into the machine to rent a bike. It pro-vides French, German, English and Chinese services. If you ride the bike for only 30 minutes to re-lax, you needn't pay for it. A two-hour bike rent only costs you 4 Euros.
These stations work for 24 hours every day, so a bike is rented for 10 to 14 times a day. In this way there are 200,000 people using bikes a day.
In the past few years, Paris has encouraged its people to ride bikes, but something unhappy has happened now and then. Some people break the traffic rules during rush hours. Some park their bikes
 everywhere. So how to park their bikes is a problem that Pairs will face, but this project is still a helpful way to improve its traffic environment.
15[单选题]  Why did Paris build many rental systems? 查看材料
A. To reduce accidents
B. To improve the traffic environment
C. To relax travelers

D. To attract travelers from other countries

16[单选题]  How many languages does the machine at a bicycle rental system offer? 查看材料
A. Two 
B. Three
C. Four 
D. Five
17[单选题]  According to the passage, the problem that Paris will deal with is how to__________. 查看材料
A. ride their new bikes 
B. park their bikes
C. borrow or lend bikes 
D. rent public bikes


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