

来源:网考网特岗教师 所有评论

There are colleges that have four-year graduation rates in the single digits. A 30% rate isn' t at all unusual, especially among regional public universities.
If you are applying to colleges, probably your goal is to get a college degree. Some schools are much more successful at graduating students than others. If the majority of the students at a college 
don' t graduate in four years, then they are spending more money for a goal that will evade them.
When you are calculating the cost of a college degree, you should take graduate rates into ac-count. If most students take five or six years to graduate, you shouldn' t plan on increased earning potential because of your degree.
Make sure you put graduation rates into context. There are often good reasons why some schools have larger graduation rates than others.
Professional progress in fields such as engineering, nursing and education are more likely to take five years than many other fields in the humanities, science and social science.
Many state universities have a large percentage of commuting students, working students and students with families. The demands on these students often making graduating in four years difficult.
These schools provide an important role by making college accessible to all, at the same time,they will often admit students who are entirely unprepared for the demands of college academics.
26[单选题]  What can we know from the first paragraph? 查看材料
A. Four-year graduation rate is not lower than 30 percent
B. Both getting into colleges and graduating from them are easy
C. It is very hard to get a diploma in some public universities in America

D. It is common that 70% are not willing to go to universities

27[单选题]  Which of the following factors can influence graduation rates? 查看材料
A. accommodation system 
B. the academic demands
C. charging system 
D. the students' goal
28[单选题]  In which column may you find the passage? 查看材料
A. Schooling 
B. Travel
C. Science 
D. History


26 参考解析:C[解析]根据文章第一段第二句话可知,在地区公立大学中,30%的毕业率很常见,可见在公立学校取得学位很困难。故本题选C。  27参考解析:D [解析]A、C两项在文章中并没有提及,B项文中并没有体现它和毕业率的关系。从第二段开始,短文即论述了学生的目标对学校毕业率的影响,选故本题选D。 28 参考解析:A[解析]整篇短文都是关于学生毕业率的,所以本文应该是在学校教育的专栏上可以看到。 查看试题解析出处>>


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