

来源:网考网特岗教师 所有评论

Everybody knows how to learn. Learning is a natural thing. It begins the 21 we are born. Our first teachers are our families. At home we learn to talk and to dress and feed ourselves. We learn these
 and other skills by 22.
Then we go to school. A teacher tells us 23 to learn and how to learn. Many teachers teach us, and we pass many exams. Then people say we are educate. Are we really educated? Let's 24 the real 
meaning of learning. Knowing facts does not 25 being able to solve problems. Solving problem requires creativity, not just a good 26 . Some people who don't know many 27 can also be good
 at solving problems.
Henry Ford is a good 28 . He left school at the age of 15. Later, when his company could not build cars 29 enough, he solved the problem. He thought of the assembly line. Today the answer seems 
simple. Yet, just think of the many university graduates who 30 solve any problems.
What does a good teacher do? Does he 31 students facts to remember? Well, yes, we must sometimes remember facts. But a good teacher 32 how to find answers. He brings us to the stream of
 knowledge, so we can think for ourselves. When we are 33 , we know where to go.
True learning combines intake with output. We take information 34 our brains. Then we use it. Think of a computer; it stores a lot of information, but it can't think. It only obeys commands.
A person who only remembers facts hasn't really learned. Learning takes 35 only when a person can use what he knows.
22[单选题] 查看材料
A. month 
B. minute
C. time 

D. day

23[单选题] 查看材料
A. asking 
B. listening
C. following 
D. drilling
24[单选题] 查看材料
A. what
B. when
C. that 
D. who
25[单选题] 查看材料
A. pick up 
B. turn away
C. set out 
D. think about
26[单选题] 查看材料
A. mean 
B. say
C. suggest 
D. show
27[单选题] 查看材料
A. word 
B. thing
C. memory 
D. condition
28[单选题] 查看材料
A. people 
B. facts
C. techniques 
D. ways
29[单选题] 查看材料
A. learner 
B. teacher
C. example 
D. driver
30[单选题] 查看材料
A. new <
B. fast
C. beautiful 
D. cheap
31[单选题] 查看材料
A. never 
B. almost
C. seldom 
D. ever
32[单选题] 查看材料
A. make 
B. understand
C. master 
D. give
33[单选题] 查看材料
A. knows 
B. shows
C. orders 
D. encourages
34[单选题] 查看材料
A. thirsty 
B. tired
C. bored 
D. free
35[单选题] 查看材料
A. of 
B. for
C. about
D. into
36[单选题] 查看材料
A. measures 
B. note
C. place 
D. time

22参考解析:B[解析]此句意为:从我们一出生,学习就开始了。“the minute”为固定用法,意为“一……就……”。  23 参考解析:C[解析]A项意为“问”,B项意为“听”,C项意为“模仿”,D项意为“操练”。根据句意,我们通过模仿来学习这些或其他技能,故本题选C。 24参考解析:A[解析]此句意为:老师会告诉我们学什么和怎么学。故本题选A。  25 参考解析:D[解析]A项意为“捡起、学会”,B项意为“拒绝、辞退”,C项意为“出发,着手”,D项意为“考虑”。根据句意,让我们思考一下学习的真正含义,故本题选D。 26参考解析:A[解析]A项意为“意味着”,B项意为“说”,C项意为“建议”,D项意为“展示”。根据句意,知道了事实,并不意味着能够解决问题,故本题选A。  27 参考解析:C[解析]A项意为“单词、话语”,B项意为“事情,东西”,C项意为“记忆”,D项意为“条件、情况”。根据句意,解决问题不仅仅靠好的记忆力,其需要的是创造力,故本题选C。 28参考解析:B[解析]A项意为“人们”,B项意为“事实”,C项意为“科技”,D项意为“方法”。根据句意,一些不知道很多事情的人也可以很好地解决问题。故本题选B。且此处的facts呼应上文的knowing facts。  29 参考解析:C[解析]根据下文可知,此处提到福特是为了举例说明,故本题选C。 30参考解析:B[解析]根据后文可知,福特为了解决问题发明了流水线。流水线提高的是工作速度,故本题选B。 31 参考解析:A[解析]A项意为“绝不”,B项意为“几乎”,C项意为“很少”,D项意为“曾经”。根据本句中的转折可知.此处与上文形成强烈对比,意为“想想有些从来解决不了任何问题的大学毕业生”,故本题选A。 32 参考解析:D[解析]根据句意,教师给予学生要记得的事实了么?“give sth.to sb.”为固定搭配,意为“给某人某物”。 33参考解析:B[解析]根据句意,好的教师是向学生展示怎样去寻找答案。故本题选B。 34参考解析:A[解析]根据上文,好教师会给学生们带来知识之泉,可知此处选A项与之呼应。意为“当我们‘渴了’的时候.我们知道去哪里‘解渴’。  35参考解析:D[解析]A项意为“关于,属于”,B项意为“为了,对于”,C项意为“关于”,D项意为“进入”,指存人大脑。且与上句的intake相呼应,故本题选D。 36参考解析:C[解析】“take measure”意为“采取措施”,“take note”意为“做笔记”,“take place”意为“发生”,“take time”意为“从容做……”。根据句意,只有当一个人能够运用他所知道的知识时,学习的这个过程才发生。意思是这才是真正的学习。故本题选C。  查看试题解析出处>>


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