
1题:新学年开始了,一位充满工作热情而热爱教育工作的教师为了使学生更好地学习,为了给学生们提供一个更有情趣的学习环境,对教室进行了一番精心的布置,在教室内周围的墙上张贴了各种各样、生动有趣的图画,窗台上还摆上了花草、植物,使教室充满了生机。   请你判断,它将产生什么样的效果?为什么?

A farmer carelessly lost an expensive gold watch in the barn on the farm, where he searched for everywhere but in vain.
So he put a 21 on the gate of the farm: whoever finds the gold watch will be 22 100 dollars.
Facing the 23 of the handsome reward, people tried their best to look for everywhere. 24 ,the grain was piled like a hill along with bales of 25 , so if they wanted to find the gold watch, it would be 
like fishing for a needle in the 26 . When the sun set, the gold watch was not found yet,
They took pains but found 27 , so they began 28 the watch was too small, the barn was too large and the straw was too thick. It was getting 29 , that they were still unable to find it.
So they 30 the temptation of 100 dollars one by one. But only a small boy in 31 clothes was still not discouraged, but kept 32 it in the grain. He had nothing to eat throughout the day. In order to
 solve the family problem, he was 33 to find the gold watch and let his par-ents, brothers and sisters have a full meal.
The night was already getting late and the boy was also tired. He was 34 in the straw to have a rest 35 he heard a strange "tick-tock". He immediately held his breath and listen 36.
It was quieter in the barn while" tick-tock" 37 clearly. The boy 38 the sound, found
the gold watch buried in the depths of the grain and finally got the 100 dollars. Like the gold watch in the barn, 39 has existed around us and spread in every corner of life. Only we are calm and
 40 look for it, can we find it.
34[单选题] 查看材料
A. notice 
B. signal
C. information 
D. photograph
35[单选题] 查看材料
A. reserved 
B. rewarded
C. equipped 

D. donated
36[单选题] 查看材料
A. pressure 
B. temptation
C. application 
D. order
37[单选题] 查看材料
A. Moreover 
B. Meanwhile
C. However 
D. Furthermore
38[单选题] 查看材料
A. straw 
B. rope
C. thread 
D. grass
39[单选题] 查看材料
A. hill 
B. basin
C. bowl 
D. ocean
40[单选题] 查看材料
A. nothing 
B. anything
C. something 
D. everything
41[单选题] 查看材料
A. finding 
B. criticizing
C. complaining 
D. realizing
42[单选题] 查看材料
A. dark 
B. bright
C. cloudy 
D. foggy
43[单选题] 查看材料
A. kept up 
B. put up
C. turned up 
D. gave up
44[单选题] 查看材料
A. luxurious 
B. shabby
C. neat 
D. new
45[单选题] 查看材料
A. looking over 
B. looking through
C. looking into 
D. looking for
46[单选题] 查看材料
A. glad
B. able
C. eager 
D. satisfied
47[单选题] 查看材料
A. lying 
B. laying
C. digging 
D. cutting
48[单选题] 查看材料
A. as 
B. while
C. when 
D. before
49[单选题] 查看材料
A. frequently 
B. attentively
C. slowly 
D. roughly
50[单选题] 查看材料
A. looked 
B. smelled
C. felt 
D. sounded
51[单选题] 查看材料
A. heard 
B. recorded
C. imitated
D. followed
52[单选题] 查看材料
A. failure
B. success
C. confidence 
D. faith
52[单选题] 查看材料
A. failure
B. success
C. confidence 
D. faith
53[单选题] 查看材料
A. occasionally 
B. randomly
C. firmly 
D. secretly

已知集合A={y∣y=x2+1},P=A∩B,则P的真子集的个数为(   ).



5题:——Can you tell me ?
——She is in the computer lab.
A.where Linda was 
B.where is Linda
C where was Linda 
D.where Linda iS

6题:为适应科学知识的加速增长和人的持续发展要求而逐渐形成的教育思想和教育制度称为( )。

7题:I cant keepthe teacher who speaks too fast.
A.up to
B.up with
C.in with
D.on to

8题: 的一大特征是“以僧为师”,“以吏为师”。 






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