
解析:根据下面资料,回答56-60题  Cut the Car

来源:网考网特岗教师 所有评论

Cut the Carbon Footprint  Everything you do leaves a "carbon footprint" (碳足迹). For example, when you travel in a taxi, the car gives off CO2 into the air. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases make the earth become warm. To protect our environment, we need to leave less of a "carbon footprint". How big is your carbon footprint? To get an idea, take a look at the following numbers. 
Living areas 
★ TV sets and DVD players produce 723kg of CO2 a year. 
★ If you turn them off when you're not using them, you can cut that number by 108kg. 
Laundry room (洗衣房) 
Drying clothes in a dryer produces a lot of CO2. 
★ If you use your dryer five times per week, you produce 185kg of CO2 per year. 
★ Dry your clothes in the sun instead. 
★ If you take an eight-minute shower every day, you produce 616kg of CO2 a year. 
★ If you only use six minutes to take a shower, you can cut that number by 154kg a year. 

56[判断题] CO2 is a greenhouse gas that can make the earth warm.   (  ) 查看材料

57[判断题] Watching TV and traveling in a taxi can produce little CO2.  (  ) 查看材料

58[判断题] If we use a dryer five times per week, we produce 154kg of CO2 per year. (  ) 查看材料

59[判断题] If we spend less time taking a shower, we can cut the number of CO2. (  ) 查看材料

60[判断题] The less of a "carbon footprint" we leave, the better our environment will become. (  ) 

56参考答案 : T 参考解析:由第一段第三、四句可知。 57参考答案 : F参考解析:题目中little(几乎没有)错误,因为原文第一段“when you travel in a taxi,the car gives off CO2 into the air”中讲明了这种行为产生二氧化碳。 58参考答案 : F参考解析:Laundry room的数据为185kg,而本题中是154kg。  59参考答案 : T参考解析:less是little的比较级,对比文中由eight—minute shower到six—minute shower的变化,可知题目正确。  60参考答案 : T 参考解析:本文的主旨就是从具体的数据对比中让大家感受到如果“碳足迹”减少,我们的环境就会变得更好。  查看试题解析出处>>


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