
解析:December 25,2006     De

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【单选题】December 25,2006
    Dear Rose,
    How are you?
    I like your programmes very much.They’re very interesting and I can learn a lot from them.I like travelling and I have won a free four—week trip to England,but I know little about the British way of life.Would you please write to tell me something about the British meals?
  Thank you.
    Wang Lin
    January l,2007
    Dear Wang Lin,
    It’S very helpful to know something about the British meals before travellin9.In many English
houses,people eat four meals a day.They are breakfast,lunch,tea and dinner.
    Breakfast takes place at any time from 7:00 t0 9:00 in the mornin9.They usually have eggs,bread with butter,cheese and SO on.English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.Lunch comes at one o'clock.It can be a hamburger or a three—course(三道菜)meal.Afternoon tea is between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm.Dinner begins at about half past seven.The first course is soup.The next is often meat or fish with vegetables.Then come fruits of different kinds:apples,pears,bananas and so on.But not all English people eat like that.Some of them have their dinner in the middle ofthe day.Their meals are breakfast,dinner,tea and supper.And all these meals are usually simple.
    Wish you a good time in England!
 Wang Lin wrote to                 .
    A.say hello to Rose
    B.ask Rose about the British meals
    C.tell Rose about the free trip
    D.tell Rose that he liked her programmes


[解析]根据第一封信中的“Would you please write to tell me something  about the British meals?”知道Wang Lin写信的目的是询问英国人的吃饭习惯,所以答案选B。 查看试题解析出处>>


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