
解析:C、Next time a customer comes to you

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【单选题】C、Next time a customer comes to your office,offer him a cup of coffee.And when you’re doing your holiday shopping online,make sure you’re holding a large glass of iced te
A、The physical sensa’tion(感觉)of warmth encourages emotional warmth,while a cold drink in hand prevents you frommaking unwise decision--those are the practical lesson being drawn from recent research by psychologist John
A、Bargh. Psychologists have known that one person’s perception(感知)of another’s“warmth”is a powerful determiner in social relationships.Judging someone to be either“WflfflTl”or“cold”is a primaryconsideration。even trumping evidence that a“cold”person may be more capable.Much of this isrooted in very early childhood experiences,Bargh argues,when babies’conceptual sense of theworld around them is shaped by physical sensation,particularly warmth and coldness.Classic stud—ies by Harry Harlow,published in 1958,showed monkeys preferred to stay close to a cloth“moth—er”rather than one made of wire.even when the wire‘‘mother”carried a food bottle.Harlow’S workand later studies have led psychologists to stress the need for warm physical contact from caregiversto help young children grow into healthy adults with normal social skills. Feelings of“warmth”and“coldness”in social judgments appear to be universal.Although noworldwide study has been done Sargh says that describing people as “warm”or“cold”is common tomany cultures,and studies have found those perception influence judgment in dozens of countries. To test the relationship between physical and psychological warmth,Bargh conducted an experi-ment which involved 41 college students.
A、research assistant who was unaware of the study’Shypotheses(假设),handed the students either a hot cup of coffee,or a cold drink,to hold whiletlle researeher filled out a short information form:The drink was then handed back.After that,the students were asked to rate the personality of“PersonA”based on a particular description.Those who had briefly held the warm drink regarded Person
A、as warmer than those who had held the iced drink. “We ale grounded in our physical experiences even when we think abstractly,”saysBargh. We can infer from the passage that .
A、abstract thinking does not come from physical experiences
B.feelings of warmth and coldness are studied worldwide
C.physical temperature affects how we see others
D.capable person are often cold to others


由“‘We are grounded in our physical experiences even when we think abstrictly,’says Bargh.”可知答案为C。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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