
解析:I close my eyes and can still hear

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【单选题】I close my eyes and can still hear her—the little girl with a 1 . SO strong and powerful we could hear her halfway down the block. She was a(n) 2 peasant who asked for money and 3 gave the。nly thing she had--her V。ice.I paused。utside a small shop and listened She brought to my mind the 4 of Little OrphanAnnie.I could not understand the words she, but her voice begged for 6 .It stood out from the noises ofArbat Street,pure and impressive, like the chime of a bell.She sang 7 an old—style lamp post in the shadow of a building,her anns extended and 8 thrown back. She was small and of unremarkable looks.Her brown hair 9 the bun(发髻)it had been pulled into,and she occasionally reached up to 10 a strayDiece fmm her face.Her clothing I call’t recall.Her voice,on the other hand,is 11 imprinted in my minD、I asked one of the translators about the gin.Elaina told me that she and hundreds of others like her throughout the 12 soviet union add to their families’income by working on the streets. The children are unable to 13 school,and their parents work fulltime.These children know that the consequence of all 14 day is no food for the table.Similar situations occurred during theDe’pression(萧条)in the United States,but thoseAmefican children were 15 shoeshine boys of me l6 .This girl was real to me. When we walked past her I gave her money.It was not out of pity l7 rather admiration Her smile of 18 did not interrupt her singin9.The girl watched US as we walked down the street.I know this because when I looked back she smiled again. We 19 that smile,and I knew I could never forget her courage and 20 strength.


句意为:我不记得她穿的衣服,可她的声音却使我永久铭记。permanently 意为“永久地”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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