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【单选题】______ in 1983, Cadence has since become one of the largest makers of chip design software, partly through a string of acquisitions.


[理由] 本句原为: Cadence was founded in 1983, Cadence has since become one of the largest makers of chip design software...(×) 如此一来,这两个句子间无连接词连接,为错误结构,应改正如下: 1) 使用分号: Cadence was founded in 1 983; it(=Cadence) has since become one of the largest makers of chip design software... 2) 使用连接词: Cadence was founded in 1983, and it has since become one of the largest makers of chip design software... 3) 将第一个句子改为分词结构,原则如下: a)两个句子的主语相同时将第一个主语删除。 b)第一个从句的动词若为一般动词时则改为现在分词;动词若为be动词则改为现在分词being,而being可省略。 [例] I was tired after all the work, I went to bed early.(×) →(Being)tired after all the work, I went to bed early.(√) (做完一切工作后我很疲惫,便早早上床睡觉去了。) I have nothing to do, l feel very bored.(×) →Having nothing to do, I feel very bored.(√) (我没事干,所以觉得很无聊。) 故原句可改写如下: (Being)founded in 1983, Cadence has since become one of the largest makers of chip design software... *上述的Founded in 1983视为分词短语,作形容词用,用以修饰之后的主语Cadence。 根据上述,(A)应为正选。 find(发现)以及found(创立)的三态为: document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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